#AllLivesDidntMatter - English

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When, tragedies in the West (Europe) had people changing their avi's to flag colours, while attacks in MUSLIM countries were ignored.
#AllLivesDidntMatter when US drone strikes killed innocent civilians and deemed them "collateral damage."
#AllLivesDidntMatter when a WHITE rapist got 6 months and a POC reaching for his wallet to show his ID got shot.
#AllLivesDidntMatter when the police were protecting the KKK March because it's "freedom of speech" but arrest peaceful BLM protestors.
#AllLivesDidntMatter when the U.S. Calvary killed 300 Lakota people that were in a camp at Wounded Knee, because of fear of a sacred dance
#AllLivesDidntMatter when Native Americans were raped, pillaged and forced from their homes
#AllLivesDidntMatter when Muslims are treated as terrorists associated to ISIS, but forget that the KKK is the domestic terrorists of the US

White people have never been enslaved by their skin color.
White people have never been sHOOT by their skin color.
White people have never been humiliated, insulted, abused by her skin color. white people have never been KILLED by their skin color.
So shut the fuck up with the shit of # AllLivesMatter this is not about white privileges,
#blacklivesmatter from a brown girl, black people you are not alone ✊

Soy Musulamana, No Terrorista.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora