In The Beginning

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this story is not like the descendants you know, in this story the villains are the good guys and the heroes are the bad guys. and in this world, Maleficent is Queen and her daughter Mal is next in line.

Mal had managed to convince her mother after many many arguments to allow four children from the Isle of the lost to come to Auradon to have a shot at a normal life.

Mals three friends, Evie daughter of (not so Evil) Queen ( more commonly know as Queen Grimhilde or just Queen) Jay son of Jafar and Carlos Son of Cruella De Vill where discussing this matter over a picnic lunch in the garden

"have you decided who to bring here?" Evie asked as she picked up a strawberry to eat

"oh yeah, i decided ages ago who i was going to bring. i just had to convince mum" Mal said eating her eighth strawberry.

"well... tell us already!" Carlos said with a laugh

"no, its a surprise! you'll find out when they get here" Mal said giggling

"oh come on Mal" Jay said trying to convince her to tell them

"no, you just have to wait" Mal said with a smile the other three let it go and continued to talk about the new arrivals

"when will they arrive?" Evie asked taking a sip of her iced tea

"they should be arriving in... half an hour" Mal said with a smile.

"seriously Mal? you gotta tell us these things. we aren't ready yet, i haven't even sorted out the welcome sign!" Carlos said Mal just smiled back at him

"its better they see us unprepared rather than see us at our best. that way they will know we are just like them. come on. we need to head to the front of the school to welcome them. i'm sure you can sort out a welcome sign" Mal said, she grabbed another strawberry and stood up, the four of them started to walk towards the entrance to Auradon prep to welcome their new guest.

meanwhile on the Isle

"you've got to be joking me" said Ben as his parents Belle and Beast informed him of the plan to go to Auradon

"you must go ben. steal Maleficent's sceptre and set us free. i'm sure you can do this" Beast said sternly

"ugh. fine. who else is going?" Ben asked with a huff as he leaned back in his seat

"Audrey, Doug and Jane" Belle said sipping her water.

"oh great. they wont be able to help me with this plan!" Ben said angrily and he stood up

"i'm not so sure about that. from what i've heard Doug has a motive. Doc has set him up to target Queen Grimhilde. so he will have no issue helping you ruin their life" Belle said calmly

"and what about the other two?" Ben asked

"Audrey wont be of much help but Jane on the other hand might be. Fairy Godmother has put her up to something but she wont tell us what" Beast said.

"alright. when do we leave?" Ben asked as he walked towards the window

"right now" Belle said with a smile. they walked Ben outside where a limo was waiting for them. Audrey, Doug and Jane stood there waiting for Ben.

"don't forget Ben. the future of our world is in your hands" Beast said with his arms crossed as Ben got into the Limo. the parents stood there silently as the limo drove away to Auradon.

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