Hey guys me and my friend, who also has wattpad (randomstuff23 remember to follow her) decided to write down all of our crazy ideas about endless life, she is writing with me so give her some credit. This is probably one of the most craziest books u have ever read so u know.
Warning this book does include some bad language.
Hope u enjoy!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everyone is happy and skipping around like a bunch of 5 yr olds.
You: wtf
Random person: come join us little one we r having so much fun
You: hell no
Random person: we have snacks
You: I guess one won't hurt
*you go to the snacks table, pick up one that looks tasty*
Random person: yeeeeeessssss... Eat up my sweet...
* you suddenly begin to transform*
Random person: Mwhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahqhahhahahahhahahahahhahhah...
*the random person rips of their mask to reveal a crazy scientist*
You: Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... HELP ME...
Crazy scientist: do ur science homework, or I will give you thousands more assessment tasks.
You: wait r u? Mr Wirkywood! OH HELL NO!!!! SAVE ME FROM THIS DOOM!
School students: yay we're free no more science!
You: HELP ME!!!!!!!!
School student: *chanting* no more science! No more science!
You: arghhhhhhhh
Crazy scientist: * comes at you with a whole bunch of scary objects* homework, homework, homework.
I actually had this dream once *shudders* it was horrifying *sob sob*.That was the first chapter! Hope u like! remember to comment and vote!
The Many Lives of You
Randomwhat if you had an endless amount of lives? What would you do with them? Well here are some rlly crazy ideas...