Part 11 - Lost in Love

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The hug soothed the burnt soul of both the thirsty lovers. Slowly, they both pulled back, and walked hand-in-hand and went inside, and sat on the couch. 

"Maya, I almost knew right from when we started meeting each other, that you are someone special. But for you, who said she can't and won't get into a relationship... this must have been quite a decision to make.. Tell me, what happened suddenly?" he was curious. 

"Rohan.. my demons have always haunted me. Your presence silences them. All the battles inside me subside in your company. There is a peace you bring to my soul. You ignite the fire in me, at the same time, you subside the raging tempest in me.. I still have my haunting past, which does not make me trust easily. But I am willing to wait, till the future with you takes over the past! I wonder though, how far will we make it?" she looked deep into his eyes. 

"Maya, sometimes, the questions are way too complicated, but the answers to them are really simple. Like this question of yours. We both don't know what our future is going to be like. We don't know whether we will go far, and if we do, how far! But my answer is, how does it matter? Tell me Maya, if you can see a great today and a decent tomorrow, why are you beating yourself up about the day-after-tomorrow? Let's cross the bridge when we come to it. Thinking kills the thrill. Let's take it easy, and face it as it comes!" He was so sorted, Maya could not help but admire him. 

Maya nodded. He was right. There was no certainty about anything. So, it made no sense fretting over the uncertain. 

"Alright then, Maya. Can I take my lady out for the first lunch date then?" he smiled, triumphantly. He was on top of the world, as if he had conquered the world. 

Maya smiled back at him, and nodded. "I never knew I had it in me anymore. Did not even know I longed for love, until of course, you came in. You have woken up the sleeping desires in me.. the desire to want and be wanted, the desire to love and be loved.. the desire to dream of tomorrow. I am forever going to be grateful for this Rohan." 

"Ohh Maya, you are speaking for me too. I knew I wanted to fall in love, and dream of a future with my lady-love. But after so many years, I had given up. Almost. And then, you happened! I am equally grateful Maya. I love you!"he said it, as he meant it. 

Just as Rohan was about to make a move for the door, Maya said, "Rohan, your house is beautiful, and warm. I would love to keep coming here. As I leave this place, I am feeling a little heavy! I wish I could stay here. It has a calming effect!" 

"Maya, in that case, you may want to consider moving in here!"he said, matter-of-factly. 

Maya was not sure. She was not ready. Not yet.

"Alright Rohan, I will think over it. Let's talk about it some other time."

"Maya, you need to trust me when I say this. At 38 years of age, I need a companion, just like you do at 41! We don't need a girlfriend or a boyfriend, or casual flings. Just think over it. But I am just saying it so you know, the doors of my house are going to remain open for you. Anytime you want to, just have to come over. I'll take the hall, you can use the room. Until of course my new home is ready. Once that is, I will have enough there, for you to call your own!" He was so considerate. So thoughtful. Maya had completely forgotten for a while, about the new house he was getting constructed. 

Maya just nodded. They made their exit, and reached the parking lot. Rohan, got the car to where Maya was. He was about to get off, and go out to hold the door for Maya. But Maya, had already made herself comfortable, in the passenger seat. "Rohan, you don't have to be so formal. I am your lady, yes, but not the Queen! Okay?" she was a little stern, because she did not want the superior treatment. 

"Maya for me you are a queen... And I do it, not to embarrass you but to make you feel special. Because you are special." He sincerely said it. 

"Rohan, let me just be. The normal Maya. The day all this stops happening, it will hurt a lot. So, let us not habituate ourselves to anything which may not stay forever!" she said with a look of concern in her eyes. 

"Oh Maya... can you never think positively about us, our future? Come on, this will stay. For a long time. We both will only have to invest ourselves, and it will forever be. Promise!" he pleaded. 

"No, I am not a positive person really. But will try not to be negative, I promise" she said. 

They drove to a quiet fine-dine restaurant. Rohan and Maya chose the buffet lunch, and had a decent meal, and were satisfied with the lunch date. The food was delicious. There were many varieties, and they both tried many of those. They were happy, and content. 

Throughout lunch, they spoke of hundreds of things, as usual. It was all normal. No romance, no impressing.. A normal friendly lunch. Post lunch, Maya invited Rohan to her house. "You can relax a while, until evening. I will then make you a nice coffee. We can chat some more. And then we can have dinner together. And dessert too, if you like. Then you are free to leave me alone again, what say?" she asked. 

"Ohh.. I am heartbroken. Can I not stay with you even after that...? How I wish, there would come a time, when we will not have to stay apart!" he made a sullen baby face. Maya smiled. 

"Rohan... I can't see that happening, not in the near future. But you can hope, and wish. Someday, perhaps, it may happen after all. But mind you, I use the words perhaps and may happen. No promises yet." she stated. 

"That's alright Maya. Come, let us go to your house now, for a relaxed post-lunch chat." and he asked for her hand, in his.

They walked hand-in-hand till the car, and before Maya could reach out to the car, Rohan overtook her, and held out the passenger door for her. He gave her the royal treatment, and she scorned at him. He winked and gave a wicked smile. 

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