Chapter 18: Call Me Ed

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Chapter 18: Call Me Ed

•Maddys POV•

"Hello. What can I get for you two today." The lovely old lady behind the diner bar asked.

"Um can I have a burger, some curly fries, a milkshake with extra cinnamon and whipped cream please, and a slice of cheesecake." I ordered as she jotted it down on her tiny note book nodding.

"Sure thing hun, and for you sir?" She looked at Edward as he smiled and shook his head.

"Not today miss but thank you anyways."He flashed his white teeth as she smiled.

"It will take a while but Ill get your order as fast as possible. Ill be back with your milkshake hun." She said before walking away and hanging the paper on a string for the cooks.

"Wow someone can eat." Edward joked as my cheeks flushed and I laughed.

"Im pretty hungry ok." We laughed for a while before my milk shake came. I thanked the lady and began drinking the cold sweet liquid.

From the side of me I could feel his gaze burning through my side. I turned to him and smiled leaning my arms on the counter and putting my head in my hands.

"Sooo...." I said with a raised eyebrow as he smiled and mirrored my actions.

"I just dont understand how." He told me as my eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Understand what?" He shook his head and laughed.

"How a guy can just let you walk off the way that you did. I mean look at you, I know if I were him Id try to fix things and keep you from leaving.." He admits and I blush then huff chuckling sarcastically.

"Yeah well this wouldnt be the first time we get into an argument like this or came across an issue." I tell as he sits up.

"Hes one lucky guy. He should be thankful for what he has and not let you slip away that quickly." I sit up as well and smile. I lean forward and wrap my arms around his torso as his arms hug my shoulders. He smelt so good, but sadly he didnt smell like Harry.

"Thank you very much. Honestly you didnt have to come but you did. And you really know how to make a girl feel special so thank you Edward." I say and pull back as he smiles sweetly.

"Its worth it because now I get to spend time with you. I know a special girl when I see one and please, call me Ed." He says as my food arrives.

I look at it and my mouth begins to water. I pick up the burger and take a bite moaning as its soo goood. I swallow and eat a few fries as I take in how delicious this is. Ed laughs and I smile in return and begin devouring my meal again.

I must look like such a pig.


"Really Ed you shouldnt have." I whine as he shakes his head disagreeing.

"Really Maddy it was nothing ok. It was just a meal." He protested as I huffed and walked into the lobby of our hotel. He had payed for my food at the diner when I wasnt looking and now I feel like a handful. Hes done too much.

"At least let me pay you back!" I defend throwing my arms up.

"No." We laugh and before we walk into the elevator I see him walk in. Harry.

I meet his gaze as his eyes lock with mine. They burn through me as he looks at me with hurt and guilt. I hear the elevator open and snap out of my trance as Ed puts his hand gently on my shoulder.

"Hey, you ok?" He asks as I shake my thoughts out and nod smiling.

"Fine." I mumble and he says an ok and soon were going up to his room.

"So welcome to casa a la Edward." Ed opens the door widely as I laugh at his stupid attempt at spanish.

"First, this is a hotel room not a house but Ill let that slide and second, you only say 'a la' after you serve a dish you made." I laugh some more as he fakes a gasp.

"Well like you can do a better intro."He challenges as I raise an eyebrow.

"Challenge. Accepted." I say slowly in a low voice. He moves a side closing the door as I walk over next to it and he stands where I was moments ago.

"Welcome to wonderland!" I shout after I open the door as he laughs and shakes his head me joining in hysterically.

"Your terrible." He says as I mock a fake gasp like him.

"Well that wasnt nice." I put my hand over my heart and pout as he smiles cheekily and places his hand at the small of my back and leads me to his living room.

"You can set you stuff down where you want and sit on the couch or wherever." He says turning on the lights.

His place is surprisingly clean. He has a coffee table placed in front of his smooth brown couch with coasters on it. A few books are on the table as well with a control next to it. Underneath this is a plush white carpet and in front of that is a flat screen tv with a wii and PS3 next to it as well as a movie shelf.

"You play video games?" I ask placing my things down on the table and sitting on the couch.

"Yeah but only on weekends when I dont have anything else to do." He says sitting on a reclining chair looking at me.

"Thats cool." I say an eye his movies from my spot. He has really good taste in movies too.

"Wanna watch one?" He asks standing up as I nod my head smiling.

"Taken 1 and 2!" i say as he laughs and puts the first one on. I take off my heels and lay my feet beside me resting my weight on the arm of the couch. I get a slight shiver and grab a pillow placing it in my lap.

"You cold?" Ed asks as I nod a little shyly. He walks over to me and places the softest blanket I have ever felt over me.

His reclining chair didnt have a good comfortable view of the tv so he sat next to me and turned off the light as the movie began to play.


"Thanks a lot Ed for everything." I hug him making my way towards his door. Its about 12 at night and we just finished both movies.

"You dont have to keep thanking me Maddy. And its late are you sure you dont want to stay? I dont mind at all." He insists as I sadly look at him.

"I would but my friends will probably be worried about me. Again thank you and we should hang out again." I tell him as I open the door and step out.

"Yeah just text me when you want to. If you need anything Im always here and you know where to find my." He smiles and I do the same waving then walking to the elevator as he shuts the door.

I yawn and wait till the elevator reaches my level. When it finally does I step through then press the down button. The doors close and a few seconds later the elevator jolts a bit then drops slowly making me even more tired.

Walking down the hall I yawn every few seconds or so and find my room. Grabbing my key from my purse I come across my phone and quickly pull it out. It read 13 new messages and 6 missed calls.

4 texts from Harry and two calls

2 texts from Ashley

3 texts from Lyndsay and three calls

1 text from Zayn

1 text from Niall

2 texts from Liam and one call

1 text from Louis

Sighing I put it back in my purse and grabbed my key pushing it into the slot and pulling it out opening the door. When I walked in I took off my heels and walked straight to the room and changed into my pajamas and tied my hair into a bun since everyone was asleep, at least I think.

I suddenly had thirst over come me as I tiptoed closer to the kitchen only to find the light already on. I peered through the side and saw Harry sitting down with his hair in a messy mop and his hands frustratingly pulling at his curls.

I turned back around and leaned back on the wall staring at the ceiling. Closing my eyes they burned from my tiredness and I took a deep breath before walking in slowly.

It seemed as though it took him a few seconds to notice me walking in. I opened a cupboard and grabbed a glass before opening the fridge.

From the corner of my eye I saw he had bags under his eyes as he watched me. I set down the orange juice uncapping the lid and pouring it into the glass before recapping it and putting it away.

I put my back towards Harry and began to drink as i he werent there. Suddenly the bowl of fruit on the counter became interesting before I heard him sigh from behind me.

"Im sorry." He said in a such a small whisper I could have missed it. I heard the raspiness in his voice meaning he was tired. It also contained regret, sadness, desperation and something else I couldnt quite make out.

Once I finished I put the cup under the faucet rinsing it out the putting it back down. I walked to the room and left the door open but laid down in the bed. Everyone was already asleep in the living room so why not?

I turned my body to the side laying my head on the pillow and pulling the duvet as well as the blankets and sheets over me. I soon felt engulfed in warmth but also felt as though something was missing. I brushed the feeling off and just as my eyes closed I heard his voice again speaking.

"Look Maddy, I didnt mean anything I said before and I didnt mean to yell at you, for us to get caught, or even that snaughty waitress to spill your water on you. Im really really truly sorry and I hate to see you mad at me so please." He begged and walked over sitting on the end of the bed.

He put his head in his hands and he sighed as my eyes were open. I listened intently as we were in the dark and it was silent before he spoke up again.

"I messed up again I know but just dont be mad at me. I seem to be messing up with you a lot lately and in the past.I guess I figured taking you out would be part of my plan to make up for everything Ive done. I hope your listening to me now because I dont think I can repeat all of this face to face with you and not freak out or break down." His voice sounded so sincere and I mentally sighed.

I dont know if I should keep trying with this.But I guess its partially my fault what happened because I basically blew up in his face when all he was trying to do was make sure I was ok.

"And seeing you with another guy. That just broke me. I dont think I can ever forgive myself or accept you being with another man if I let you slip away. I dont know if we just fought or if we actually split but Im hoping thats not what happened. I just hope you forgive me for earlier lets just leave it at that before I make a big long speech about it." He waits a few moments and stands up.

Even when Harry is wrong he still apologizes and finds a way to let all his feelings out in the process. I ponder for a moments and decide to let him leave. I just need time to figure out what Im gonna say tomorrow so Ill just sleep on it.

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