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So I am gonna start off with a boring, but not-so-boring lecture of history.

When God created the world, Human Adam and Eve were created. God trusted them, and told them to love, rule the earth, and produce offspring. However, when God saw the fact that both of them betrayed him, he was heartbroken. He realized even though how clever he made humans, they will be blinded by greed and hatred. So he created the first Reviver, Shawn. He made him intelligent, far more intelligent than humans. God saw how loyal the Reviver was so he granted him a wish. Shawn wanted to live forever, so God made him eternal. Shawn was not allowed expose his identity to humans and had to get along with them. He knew that when the time comes, God will make His signal and their identities will be exposed to all mankind.

The Revivers were obedient. Afterall, they were made to be loyal.Brainwashed with greed and cruelty, humans fought against one another in the two world wars. Revivers, had no choice, but to blend in and take part in war. Unfortunately, the Revivers had not discovered their inborn abilities till then. Humans were massively killed, but Revivers lived without any hint of injury. Many humans started to be suspicious, that they were different. So the Revivers fled, but a certain sum of them got caught. They were attempted to be torn apart and examined, but once humans start to cut their skin open, it recovered miraculously and almost instantly.

Humans tried to lock the Revivers up but they were clever enough to break through the bars and set themselves free. Humans were afraid of the Revivers and felt disgusted of how they were made. It almost became a rule that whenever you meet a reviver, just flee with all might.

Revivers, since then, to avoid participating in wars, and avoid discrimination, ran away from humankind. They lived far away from the main population to where they call the Haven in the Poles, places where humans were scarcely populated, and lived there since then. They hid themselves as if they were bandits on the loose.

The existence of the Revivers became a myth. Whether they exist or not, people were unsure about it. Some people thought it was ridiculous and some thought there might be a possibility. But I am here to tell you that. Yes, they do exist. They have a massive population of the most intelligent talented supernatural beings of all time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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