My Genie Love [Zarry]

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"Yes love?"

"What's in this box?"

"Did you open it?"

"No" I hear gran sigh.

I was at my grandmother's house for a few months of the summer, school just ended and I haven't seen her in a while. Also my parents were on another vacation- somewhere in an African jungle? I opted not to join them like I usually do and stay with gran.

"What's marked on it hun?" I look down at the brown box in front of me.

"It says 'Harry's traveled items' "

"Love that must be all the things you've gotten when you were younger"

"Can I open it?"

"Harry it's yours, do as you please" I nod setting the box down by the exit whipping off some dust that was on it.

Gran and I packed and reorganized boxes and boxes and boxes for a total of two and a half hours. It took even longer beacuse we stopped to look into every other box. We stumbbled on my only baby photo's, clothes and even some old toys.

We were now breaking for lunch. I took the box I'd set down by the door along with me, setting it by my room door. I walked down the pale pink and yellow halls of my grand's house. I walk into the kitchen watching my grandmother as she set down the sandwich on a plate.

"Gran, gran, gran I can get my own drink" I run up behind her taking the glass she was setting for me from her grasp putting it on the counter. She reaches up and lightly taps my cheek mummbling a 'He's such a good boy' as she walks down the hall.

I walk over to the fridge pulling out a jug of orange juice. I pour the juice in the glass before putting it back into it's original place in the fridge. I bring my glass along with me as pick up my sandwich plate and carry it upstairs as I walk into my room. Normally I'm not aloud to eat in my room but nan's not here and I don't really feel like eating along downstairs. I'd rather eat alone in my room.

I almost tripped forgetting about the box I had set infront my bedroom. I turn around so that my back was to the door pushing it open. I quickly set the glass of juice on my bedside table and the plate with my sandwhich on my bed. I run back out the grab the box pulling it in the room the using my foot to some-what almost close the door.

I go through the top drawer of my bedside table-where I keep almost everything. I grab the black handled scissors. I use one edge of the scissors to cut the tape that was holding the top of the box closed. I discarded the scissors back in my drawer then closing it.

I took a break of all this work and finally take some bites out of my sandwhich. When I finished I brushed my hands on my skinny jeans pushing my half eaten sandwich away.

I unfold the top flaps on the box looking inside. From what I could vaguely make out. I saw a very big conch shell with maybe a few chips and missing pieces on it. Some cased bugs, old dusty books and the one the had my intrest the most what looked like a genie lamp. Every item in here still had a bit of dust on it. I pulled out one of the books first. It was one on anciet Greece and Greek mythologly.

I put both my hands in the box to pull out the lamp. I try to blow away all the dust that was left on it. Thinking I did a good enough job, I start to take in the true beauty of the lamp it was dazzled in red, blue and green jewels along the bottom of it looking beautiful with the gold of the lamp. I observe all around it turning it upside down -but still being careful.

Biggest wonder on my mind was 'What if it's a real genie lamp!' as I was holding the lamp I look back in the box seeing a letter with my name on it. I set the lamp down beside me picking up the letter. The writing looked like mine when I was about ten. This was me writing this letter nine years ago I open the letter anyways curious to see what I wrote.

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