Chapter 11

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Time skip! Aph has been gone for 6 months

Travis' pov
"Can you drive any faster! I wanna see aph" Laurence sighed and said "travis were all exited to see her" zane said "yea so calm down besides were almost there" I smiled and katelyn said "I can't wait to see her face when she sees us!" Kawaii chan nodded and said "yea aphmau senpai has no idea were coming" just then my phone rung Garroth said "is it aph" I nodded and he said "put it on speaker we'll be quiet" I nodded and answered it I put it on speaker and she said "hey travis..." I said "hey you ok you sound sad" she said "yea just had a bad day" I said "what happened" she sighed and said "I'm just not feeling good so I got to stay at the dorm instead of going to classes which means I've been here by myself the entire day and honestly I just really want a hug" I smiled and said "well I wish I was there so i could give you one" she said "I wish you were here to I miss you like crazy! Of course I miss everyone else to" we pulled into the parking lot of the college and I said "hey aph what's your dorm room again I forgot" she said "207 oh hey Kiki and zoey just got back I gotta go" I said "ok bye love you" she said "bye love you to" she hung up and katelyn said "awww she misses us!" I said "hopefully seeing us will turn her bad day into a good day" laurence said "I bet you guys 10 bucks she cries when she sees travis" I smiled and katelyn said "you're on!" Everyone nodded and I said "you might wanna make a bet on me crying when I see her!" Kawaii chan said "come on let's go Kawaii chan wants to see aphmau senpai!" We got out of the car and went in we started looking for her room until we finally found it I knocked and a girl with red hair opened it she smiled and said "you're aphmaus friends! She didn't tell me you were visiting" I said "she doesn't know we're here we wanted to surprise her" she said "oh ok she's-" before she could finish her sentence I heard aph yell "Kiki! Zoeys trying to give me one of her potions again!" Kiki sighed and yelled back "zoey she's just feeling bad she isn't for sure sick quit trying to give her potions!" She looked at us and said "she's in her room" we went inside and Garroth said "I have an idea! Travis you go into her room and she'll see you and hugs and stuff and then you bring her in here where we are!" Everyone nodded and I went to her room I didn't see aph just a lump on the bed covered in blankets I smiled and sat down on the bed she said "zoey so help me irene if it's the potions again" I said "it's not zoey" she said "wait..." She pulled the blanket off of her and seen me her eyes widened and I said "still want that hug?" She nodded and hugged me she started crying and she said "what are you doing here?!" She pulled away and I said "I wanted to come see you!" She layed back down on the bed and started laughing she said "I'm doing that thing where I laugh when I'm happy help!" I smiled and kissed her she wrapped her arms around my neck and held my head I wrapped my arms around her waist and I heard someone say "you're gonna run out of air pretty soon" we pulled away and looked over at the door to see kiki and an elf girl with blonde hair im assuming is zoey aph said "hey we've gone 6 months without kissing each other! 6 months!" Kiki said "ok I get it but I think before you two start a make out session you might wanna come see your other friends" she said "wait what?!" She ran into the living room and seen everyone she said "oh my irene! I- me- what?!" I laughed and said "we ALL wanted to come see you" she hugged everyone and said "this is amazing!!" Garroth said "wow you dont seem like you feel so bad anymore" she said "all my friends are here of course I feel better! How long are you guys staying" I said "the rest of today,tomorrow and the next day" she nodded and we all started talking for awhile.....

Time skip to night time

Aphmaus pov
Kiki and Zoey had already went to bed and me and travis were in my room since everyone else had fell asleep anyway we were watching tv until he said "tomorrow wanna go on a date?" I nodded and he said "although since I've never been here I don't know where we should go" I said "well...maybe we can just walk around! Or go to this really cool dessert restaurant" he said "dessert restaurant?" I nodded and said "yea they only serve dessert! Ice cream,cake,chocolate,brownies!" He said "oh we are definitely going!" I said "there's this trail through the forest there's always tons of people but once you reach the end of the trail there's a lake and it is so beautiful! Especially when the sunsets" he said "we're going there to!" I smiled and there was a knock on my bedroom door I got up and opened it to see zoey she looked like she just woke up but also looked exited she said "I just got a message from the faculty!" I said "really what's it say" she showed me her phone and I seen the message said "this has been an honor to have everyone of you smart students attend our college for these 6 months but sadly the school year has ended early no one come to their classes tomorrow or any day after that please pack your things and go back to your families thank you" I said "wait what?! We can go home?!" Travis said "what?!" He attempted to get up but got tangled up in the blankets and ended up falling in the floor I laughed and he got up he said "you can come home?!" I nodded and said "yea! The school year ended early!" He said "aw what about our date tomorrow" zoey said "I think they want us to leave as soon as possible" I said "uh we'll go on the date then go home" he nodded and she said "I already told all your friends now I'll let you guys get back to sleep" she walked off and me and travis layed back down we started talking and somehow we ended up on the topic of marriage! He said "do you ever wanna get married" I nodded and said "yea of course!" He smiled and said "when do you wanna get married" I sighed and looked at him I said "soon...why are you asking all of this" he said "no reason just curious" I nodded and said "ok well I'm gonna go to bed goodnight" we kissed and I fell asleep....

Travis' pov
After aph fell asleep I got up and went over to my jacket I got in the pocket and got the black box I opened it and looked at the ring....

Travis' povAfter aph fell asleep I got up and went over to my jacket I got in the pocket and got the black box I opened it and looked at the ring

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She said she wanted to get married soon so....I guess I'll just propose tomorrow....

OoOoOoOoOOOOOOoOoOOOO travis is gonna propose!!! And aph gets to come home! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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