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"I'm glad you guys are back once again in the US.....home, right? For two of you?" The interviewer asks singling out two out of the five girls.

"That is correct, Camila and I are from Miami. This is our home" she says softly looking towards the younger girl sitting next to her, getting lost in warm chocolate. The interviewer smirks, got them right where I want em, she says to herself.

"Lauren, now that I've got you I have a specific question just for you" Lauren's head snaps back at hearing this, she berates herself for getting lost so easily in her girlfriends eyes, but who the fuck can blame her? She's so beautiful. Reluctantly, nodding her head, signaling for the interviewer to continue, she begins, "There's a...certain video that's essentially trending world wide right now that came out a few days ago while you five were out of the US. Ms. Jauregui you were the star of this video along with an unknown female. You two seemed....rather cozy, can you give us any insight into who that was?" The interviewer asked smugly when she saw Lauren start to fidget.
Letting an empty chuckle escape her lips, she opened her mouth to tell her it was only...a friend and a simple kiss on their cheek(when really it was the one and only Camila Cabello, they got carried away at an after party)
But just when her words were starting to tumble out the woman started again.
"Your last interview you denied the rumors of being a lesbian, or a bisexual for that matter, did you lie? Or are you just too afraid to come out to the public?"
"I-" she tried but was cut off again.
"If so aren't you being a bit of a hypocrite? You are completely disregarding the messages you and your band mates send to your fans in the LGBT community, which you guys openly support. You guys practically preach the message to never be afraid, to be yourself and to love whoever it is that you want to." The interviewer pauses but begins throwing more when she sees her words start to settle on the young woman in front of her. "What does that tell your fans about you as a person Miss Jauregui? You wanna know what I think? I think it says that you're a fake, shallow little girl who doesn't really care that by staying 'in the closet' you're going against they very words you speak. Hypocrite" she scoffs. Lauren looked away from the woman sitting high and mighty in her chair (which is probably an exact replica of satans in hell).
Looking out into the crowd and seeing all eyes trained on her, waiting on the edge of their seats for her answer that will change so many peoples' views about her. Not only will it change things for her, but for the fans as well, they'll eat up whatever her answer is and will use it so they can continue feeding their Camren 'delusions'.
Raising a perfect eyebrow and settling her hungry gaze on the young singer, "Ms. Jauregui? Are you with us?" She all but sneers. "Aren't you the most outspoken one in your little group? The one who always speaks up and says whatever is on that mind of yours?"
Lauren tried to speak, she really did but her voice was caught in her throat, not a single sound would make its way out. Her chest was heaving and she began sweating, she knew what this meant, she was having a panic attack.
"Laur" she heard a whisper to her right, glancing over she saw scared frantic doe eyes staring back at her. She calmed instantly but the fear she saw in them made tears well up in her eyes, she dropped her gaze with shame. She knew what Camila was silently asking her, don't say a word, Lauren couldn't breathe. It was quiet a few beats until someone brave enough spoke up.
"Our message is the same. No one should be ashamed of themselves regardless of their sexuality, gender, ethnicity or how much money they do or don't have. And out of the five of us, Lauren is the biggest advocate. She's taught us many, many things and one of the things she taught me was to stick up for the ones you love when they are being picked on. So we will NOT stand here and let you try to pick on her about her private life for your own personal gain, STOP interrogating her for answers that you in no way deserve. So I suggest you take those questions and that erroneous opinion of my best friend and shove them up your pretentious little ass. Her life outside of Fifth Harmony is NOBODY'S concern but Lauren fucking Jaureguis. Understand?"

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