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"Hey Lauren, how are you?" Oh my god. If one more fucking person asks me this I'm gonna go ape shit on someone. Turning around in her chair slowly She was met with Ally and her damn, charming sunny disposition, sighing loudly and letting her irritation go, she smiles at her "I'm fine Ally, really. Camila is just scared right now but I'm not just gonna give up on her, I mean I finally had her after what? Like four years of us just dancing around each other? Fuck that. She's mine, and she just needs time" Ally gave her a sympathetic stare, "I'm gonna play devils advocate right now, so please please don't hate me, okay?" Waiting for Lauren's approval before continuing she hesitatingly nod for her to continue, "Laur what if she doesn't....come around? What if she never gets over this irrational fear that the world would come down around her if she came out? I'm not saying that she'll be stuck in this forever but what if? You need to at least prepare yourself for that? I mean how long has it been?" Lauren knew exactly how long it's been, down to the minutes. But she couldn't tell her that, it would only cause her to worry more which she does not need. "About three weeks, it hasn't been that long ally I just need to give her more time, i'm gonna giver her time but i'm going to fight for her Ally" God it's been so long. I need her back, I need her in my arms, it's been way to long since I kissed those lips, I need her. Lauren's mind automatically goes back to that last kiss they shared in an empty room after the interview from hell. God can that woman kiss, she thinks demurely. Nodding Ally places a hand on her shoulder pulling lauren out of her day dream of their last kiss, "That's good to hear Laur, if anyone can get her back, you can. You're different from all the other guys she's dated, those tools were too easy to forget, make Mila miss you and you'll get your girl back" What Ally said gave Lauren an idea, and pretty damn good one and she can't wait to get back to her room so she can start on said idea. These last few weeks have been nothing but Normani and Ally spewing sad bullshit at her but right now she can say that she is happy she didn't sprint in the opposite direction as soon as she heard Ally's voice.

As Ally throws her another smile, Lauren's eyes travel right over the shorter girls head and towards the entrance of the room. Lauren's head gets dizzy and the room gets warmer...or maybe that's just her but the sight in front of her keeps her from really questioning it, Camila is walking in the room wearing a familiar black bomber jacket and she's literally the cutest fucking thing ever and Lauren just wants to run over to her and tackle her with kisses. But she can't, not yet.

She visibly sees when Camila notices her, because Lauren was always able to read her like a book even with all this damn distance between them. When chocolate meets emerald, Camila's breath gets stuck in her throat and she has to gulp before she can breathe properly again. She shakes her head and moves to sit by Dinah and a few crew members at a nearby table. Lauren watches her for a few more moments before she smirks and walks over and plops down in a chair right across from Camila, who just throws a nervous glance her way before answering a question Dinah asked her. Lauren sends her a lopsided grin, "good morning Camz" she says, letting her voice drop a little on purpose because she just knows how Camila feels about her 'bedroom voice'.
"Lauren." Camila says, voice devoid of emotion, looking away shaking her head slightly she starts a small conversation with a crew member she can't remember the name of. God why couldn't she wear fucking sunglasses or something so I wouldn't have to see those damn eyes, she thinks. She lets the conversation die because she finds that the boy sitting across from her is boring and irrelevant, sighing she looks down at her nails.
"That's a cute sweater walz, where'd you get it?" Dinah asks but instantly frowns when she notices that Camila is in her own little world. "Mile?" she tries again but turns towards Lauren when she again gets no response, "has she gone deaf??" Lauren smiles adoringly and reaches out her hand to get her attention, running it up her arm slightly but flinches when Camila recoils from her touch. "Geez Camila, whats yo problem?" Dinah laughs out at her reaction, Camila snaps her eyes away from Lauren, trying to calm down her heart and tries to put out the sparks that ignited where Lauren touched her. "What Dinah!" she snaps out, "God, what?"
"Hey ms grumpy don't give me sass I only asked you a simple question" Camila takes a deep breathe still trying to calm down her damn heart, it seriously went nuts when Lauren touched her arm. You'd think she was used to the older girls touch after months of dating, but no. "Sorry D, what was the question"
"It's whatever now! I just said I liked your sweater and wanted to know where you got it" Dinah waves her away dismissively, not really caring if she answers now. Camila's eyes shoot to Lauren's when she hears the older girl giggle, her heart beating irregularly again, just when she managed to get it to a normal rate Lauren has to go and do something as cute as that fucking giggle. Camila drops her eyes to what she's wearing and her face turns a bright red. Fuck of course I had to wear this fucking jacket today. Camila didn't even realize that she put that jacket on, actually if she's being completely honest she didn't even realize she still had it. She thought she had given all of Lauren her clothes back, apparently not, she thinks bitterly.

She wasn't about to tell Dinah that it was her now ex- girlfriends jacket, that would just result in either endless teasing or awkward tension, both of which were bad bad bad

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She wasn't about to tell Dinah that it was her now ex- girlfriends jacket, that would just result in either endless teasing or awkward tension, both of which were bad bad bad. "Uh i think my mom got it for me so i couldn't really tell you where she got it" she mumbles out awkwardly. She's sure her face is as bright as Lauren's lipstick right now, not that i was fixating on her lips that long. Camila shakes her head to get the image of Lauren smearing that lipstick over various parts of her body, she clears her throat and stands, "I'm gonna go find something to eat before rehearsal so i'll see you guys later". She makes it out the door and passed a few doors before she feels someone grab her arm and pull her into an empty room, she feels fear run through her body but it prevents her from doing anything to defend herself so she just squeezes her eyes shut and waits for the inevitable.

She hears the door shut behind her and all of a sudden she's pushed up against the door, her heart clenches and she feels dizzy when she catches the familiar smell of the unknown person. She knows that smell, a little too much. She inhales deeply to get more of her scent because she's desperately missed it, she seriously feels like a drug addict right now, she feels the excitement at the possibility of getting her next fix take over her body and she feels light headed. The smell alone is sending warmth straight to her core, but when she feels a warm body accompany that smell her knees nearly buckle. She feels gentle hands push at her hips, causing her whole back to connect with the cold door, its a weird contrast, a warm body and a cold door. Yeah, she's definitely a drug addict who hasn't had her fix in way too long.

Warm breath spreads over her lips and she keeps her eyes sealed shut, knowing if she even gets the slightest glimpse of her face, her eyes, her lips, she'll break. "Camz, please stop this. Please, you know you're torturing both of us, just open those beautiful eyes and end this hell, please" Lauren begs her, god damn it she knows how It makes me feel when she begs. Camila feels Laurens nose at the base of her neck, gently gliding up toward her ear. "please" she whispers, "i need you, i can't do this without you by my side, baby girl" Camila nearly whimpers when she feels a wet kiss on the spot Lauren knows drives her crazy. Lauren drives her absolutely insane, why can't she just accept that she doesn't deserve her? Why can't she just let this go and go be happy with someone who can give her something she can't? Camila doesn't know if she'll ever be brave enough to come out, Lauren sure as hell is, and she shouldn't be forced to stay in this cramped closet with her.

Camila shakes her head, takes one last deep breath and pushes Lauren away, when she knows Lauren isn't within kissing distance she opens her eyes slowly. She sees Lauren standing there looking the least bit let down, she's about to explain when Lauren holds up her hand, stopping her. "I know, I know, save the speech babe. i just want you to know that I'm not going to make this easy okay? I'm not going to make it easy to leave me, not without a fight at least" she smiles walks closer to Camila and gently kisses her temple before leaving the room. Camila stands there for what feels like an eternity, god lauren will be the death of her, she tries to be angry but she can't help the grin that takes over her face when she walks out, I guess there could be worse things.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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