Summer Styles

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This is my first fanfic on Wattpad! enjoyyyyyyyy    __________________________   Fucking summer camp. Fucking Dad. Fucking life. fuck.   My dad said that escaping life on the east coast and running to California to my sister wasn't an option for this summer. that ruined my plans. But I will be going to Camp Echo is summer. I went here when I was 5 years old to 12 years old. but then I turned 13 and I was just over it. But now I'm back. How cool. 

  I huff and kick the dashboard. "That's not going to change anything Blake" My dad says back as the car wobbles down the long dirt road headed toward the camp. I read a big white and blue sign. "CAMP ECHO- 1 MILE UNTIL THE SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE" yeah, right.

  I don't want to be here. I hop out of the car, and push my brown hair out of my face. As I pull up the sleeves on my sweater and grab my bag, a fake smile pastic-ass girl approaches me. She is probably in her mid- 20's. I'm only seventeen. "Hello dear, my name is Acabella, and hmm let's get your registers for the summer of you life!" She giggles overly excited. Yikes. The woman leads me over to registration. I am forgetting something. "Um, bye Dad, I'll miss you" I say and hug him. "Be safe Parker, no boys!" He says, and I laugh. Whatever. "I love you" He speaks. "Love you too!" I say running off. 

  I walk into my cabin and start to unpack, along with other girls here for the summer. There are about six to a cabin. A girl comes up to my bunk. "Do you have any shoes?" She speaks. "I kind of left my converse in my car, and I  will have my mom send them to me soon, but till then... can I borrow a pair?" The girl speaks. She is tall like me, brown hair down her back with blue eyes. "Um, sure. I have these," I say handing her my other pair of white converse. "Thank you so much, I'm Cara" "Hi I'm Blake" "Cool name" She laughs. "Thanks, do you want to go to the dining hall, I haven't eaten since yesterday?" "Yeah lets go, I taken you've been here before?" "I went here when I was a kid, well from when I was 5 to 12," I mutter. "That's cool, I've been here only one year before, last year. It was kind of a nightmare, but I think this year will be better" Cara speaks. 

  We make our way to the dining hall, watching all of the new campers say good bye to their parents. How sweet. Not. I hobble up the old blue stairs and push into the dining hall.    There I see a tall blonde boy, built nicely, but you could tell by the way he was standing. He was a douche. "Hey baby" He said gesturing to Cara. "Ugh" She made a discusted sound and walked past him. I went to follow her, but this kid stopped me. "Woah, woah woah, not so fast beautiful" He growled at me. "Leave me alone, you little shit" I say pushing back him. He grabs my arm. "Wait here" He says. I don't want him to keep annoying me, so I stand... and wait. Probably the weirdest decision I have made in my life. I hear him yell from around the corner. "Aye yo Harry, this one is yours" "Thanks Niall" A husky voice says in return. A tall guy with brown curls in a snapback walks towards me. He is tan, ripped, and just... well he's beautiful.Personality Blake, personality I remind myself is what is important. "Hey, I'm Harry" He says. "I'm Parker" I speak blaintly. "How about we skip this shit food, and I take you back to a nice little spot by the lake?" He says snaking his arms around my waist. There is no reason to be rejecting this super amazingly georgeous sexy animal. But I have to resist. I can't let him do this to me. "Um, no thanks" I back up from him and walk toward Cara standing patiently with her food. "What was that all about?" She says. "I have no idea"     

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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