• HBD Niall •

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September 13th 2016, 08:15am.

liampayne: Happy Birthday to my one and only, the cutest little Irishman I've ever known, my Nialler ❤️ #thepaynelife #birthday #qmyniallersgrowingup #lovehimniall

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

liampayne: Happy Birthday to my one and only, the cutest little Irishman I've ever known, my Nialler ❤️ #thepaynelife #birthday #qmyniallersgrowingup #lovehim
niall.payne: love you ❤️
isabelalice_: happy bday @niall.payne 🎈
hayleyporter.29: hbd Niall x x
ltommo91: happy day of birth Irish 💚
zmalik: happy birthday bro !
noahhayes_: ur hot


So, I'm gonna be editing this book a little by adding in dates/times at the top (like in this chapter) so it's easier to see the timeline of how things pan out.

I've figured out certain dates and it works out that I would've skipped over the boys' birthdays, so I'm adding them in so the timeline fits better. So please don't be confused hahaha!

comment/vote x

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