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Silence. That was what could be heard when she didn’t allow the car to start-off course she knew that without the peg, the car wouldn’t rumble to life, and that was exactly what she was aiming for. But sadly, things didn’t always go her way, which she very well knew, which was why she was silently calming her poor, deranged heart down, when the person next to her suddenly twisted its body, so that it was facing her.

“Why isn’t the car starting?” the raspy-high-pitched voice asked her, which suspiciously sounded like a man trying to sound like a lady-which Ann was trying to so figure out.

“Uh, it would in a sec, I-I just need to do something f-first.” She stuttered behind her glossy brown hair that was concealing her from the person whom she suspected to be a man.

Surreptitiously taking her phone out, Ann noticed that she had 3 missed calls-which were from her husband and a text message that was asking her if she was alright. Ann’s pale cheeks suddenly etched into a grin, when she suddenly imagined her husband’s chubby fingers typing away on his E-71 Nokia mobile, with the frustrated, knitted eyebrows that would crease, when he’d accidently type in the wrong letter. Silently giggling, Ann quickly typed away that she was okay and that she was going to come home in about 10 minutes.

The rumble of engines emanating throughout the eerie street, startled Ann and the  person next to her, causing her to drop her phone-after she sent the message- and the person next to her cuss feverishly.

Looking wary, Ann quickly twisted her body, so she was facing the source of the noise that was coming their way. But as she twisted her body, her dress rose up slightly-but she didn’t really mind that much as she was too focused to the big-expensive looking motorbikes that were making their way to where her small sleek blue car was parked at.

“What are you doing?!” Ann suddenly screamed when the big bulky guys got off of their motorbikes, and made their way leisurely towards them. But her screams weren’t really aimed at them as they were about 20 feet away, no-she was screaming at the person that was pulling her away from her driving spot. Ann trembled when she was shoved to the back of her car. She didn’t really remember how the person did it, but all she saw was blurs of the hairy hand grabbing her by the armpits and shoving her back, which resulted to her face planting the creamy leather seats.

The footsteps that was not so far away from them, kept on moving more further and further towards them, and when a pale hand-that was illuminated by the moon’s glare- about to pull the car doors handle, the car swiftly jerked to life, causing Ann to press her face deeper to the back-seat.

“AGHHH,” Ann screamed terrified, once she pushed herself away from the seat, and gripped the driver’s seat anxiously, when she noticed the trees wafting past them like blurred pictures.

“Who are you?” she managed to croak out when she sat down, and strapped her seatbelt at the back.

“Someone who you shouldn’t mess with.” The voice growled out angrily. Ann realised that its voice wasn’t high pitched any more, in fact the voice was manly- that made Ann’s suspicion be accurate and true when she was suspicious if the person next her was a man at the beginning.

“You’re a man.” She said. It wasn’t a question and ‘he’ knew that too, as he remained quiet, but kept his posture stiff.

The rumbling of engines continued chasing them, and the speed that they were going at would’ve alarmed Ann-if it weren’t for the 3 buff guys chasing them with their sleek, expensive, monstrous motorbikes.

“Why are they chasing us?” Ann asked after ‘them’ losing the ‘chasers’ after 2 minutes of long silence. The narrow road stretched on forever with trees on either side of it, and the man was still stiff with no response coming out of its mouth. Ann sighed defeated when she received no response. But then-

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