Nice arse. stiles stilinski

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Originally posted by sourwolf-did-you-just
Tumblr fanfic .......

"Stiles, can you stop complaining for once in your life?" Lydia rolled her eyes at the exasperating boy next to her.

"I wouldn't be complaining if I would've actually had a say in this!" He threw his arms up and you smiled.

You and Lydia had taken Stiles hostage for the day, since Lydia insisted he get a new wardrobe for senior year. She knew how stubborn Stiles would be, so she called you to try to coax him into, knowing he would be persuaded by his best friend. Now he was regretting his decision, not realize what he was getting himself into.

"It's not going to be that bad, Stiles. Take a chill pill," you told him, nudging him with your shoulder.

"I'm not a girl. I don't enjoy taking my clothes on and off and staring at myself in the mirror."

You rolled your eyes but the smile stayed on your face. You followed Lydia down the busy walkway of the mall, wondering which store she was going to first. She stopped in front of a Forever 21 and smirked. "Oh hell no. I'm not going to be seen in there." Stiles ran a hand down his face.

Lydia grabbed his arm and pulled him in, while you were pushing him from behind. He groaned all the way to the guy's side of the store and Lydia told him to just take a seat and let her do the work. He found a bench and got out his phone for a distraction. You and Lydia flipped through the racks for 20 minutes before shoving a large pile of jeans and a bunch of hangers at Stiles. His eyes went wide and he was at a loss for words. You shoved him toward the changing room and you and Lydia eagerly waited outside. "Seriously? Skinny jeans?" Stiles called out.

"Just put them on, Stiles. And put on a shirt so we can see," Lydia said sternly.

"There are no flannels here!"


Stiles groaned and you chuckled. You heard the ruffling of fabric and a zipper, silence following. "C'mon Stiles, let us see," you told him.

The brunette stepped out and sighed, turning when Lydia told him to. Your eyebrows just rose and all you could do was stare. The jeans hugged his legs well and the button up shirt fit him in a way that was lose but showed off the muscles he had gained in the past couple of years. "Y/N?" Lydia was snapping her fingers in front of your face.

You snapped back to reality and looked over at her, "huh?"

"I said how do you think he looks?"

You looked back over at him and nodded, "he looks really good."

Stiles rose an eyebrow and gave you an odd look, but you just ignored it, hoping the heat on your cheeks wasn't showing. The same process repeated through each outfit, some better looking than others. Lydia dragged you and Stiles to six other stores before finally being satisfied with Stiles's new attire. All three of you were carrying three bags on each arm when you left the mall to go for lunch. "I still don't understand why I need this many clothes," Stiles told Lydia, throwing the bags into the back of his jeep.

You hopped in the back with the bags while Lydia sat up front. "Options!" She smiled, applying a new coat of lip gloss.

Stiles mumbled something inaudible and rolled his eyes and you chuckled, leaning up so that your chin was resting on his seat.


At school the next day, Stiles met you at your locker, wearing the first outfit he had shown you the day before. It ended up being your favorite and it was as if Stiles knew that, and wore it specifically for you. You smiled at him and closed your locker, leaning against it and facing him. "Well don't you look smashing," you laughed, looking him up and down.

"Thanks, I feel so... formal," he tugged at the collar of the shirt as if it was choking him.

"You look fine. That's not even close to formal. More like... Jackson," you winked at him.

He groaned, "oh great, now I really want to take it off."

You grabbed his wrist, "nope, c'mon," you pulled him to first period.

As you walked into the classroom, you noticed a lot of girls were staring at Stiles. Some had smirks on their faces while others were surprised. You could see the discomfort on Stiles's face, but it made you smile. You knew it was the new outfit, and more specifically the jeans. They framed him just right. You sat down at the lab table, Stiles sliding in next to you and leaning close. "I don't get why they're staring. Do I have something on my face? Did I do something I didn't mean to?"

You laughed, "it's simple, Stiles. You have a nice ass, and they're just acknowledging that."

Stiles's mouth dropped open and started to say something when Mr. Harris walked in. You just smirked and paid attention to the lesson. You could feel his eyes on you the entire period. After the bell rang and you gathered your things, Stiles followed you into hall, out to your locker. He put his hand over the door so you couldn't open it. He slid in front of you with a sly smile, "I have a nice ass?"

You returned the smile and shrugged, trying to get to the lock behind the brunette. "Nuh uh, I'm not letting you into the locker until you answer my question."

"I was just pointing out facts, Stiles."

He took your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours hurriedly, but gently. You grabbed his wrist with the hand that wasn't holding your books and kissed back. Moments passed and it wasn't until the bell rang that it brought you back to your environment. Stiles pulled back and a small smile appeared on his face. He kissed you again and moved out of the way of your locker. You grabbed your books and kissed him again before shoving him toward his class and rushing to yours.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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