Chapter 1 Flashbacks (EDITED)

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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO: the directors Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson and let's not forget L.J. Smith

"One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory."― Rita Mae Brown

Once upon a time there was a girl and named Jessica who lived a normal life, oh fuck it my life was not normal never has been not even when I was little. I mean what normal life has violence, death, drugs, pregnancy, drinking, vampires, werewolves, witches, vampire werewolf hunters, doppelgangers and hybrids. Well some of these do occur in life. Sorry I am getting side tracked. Here's my story. Oh p.s. my name is Jessica Alexandria Night. Now on with the story.

I am on my way to mystic falls, Virginia to my aunts' Amy and Anna, with my children Katya, and Nicholas I felt like I needed a break from my place, a change of scenery. My aunts are out on traveling the world. I hear Nicholas and Katya arguing over a something, I can't help but smile and roll my eyes at them. They are my whole world. Katya looks like me with straight blonde hair, gray eyes with little gold flecks and before you ask no I am not a werewolf or a vampire. While Nicholas looks like the man that fathered them with beautiful blue eyes, and blonde hair a little darker than mine and curly. They look like there five but there only one and are as smart as five year old There growth slowed at age 1 due to the fact that I had a witch friend of mine do a spell to slow there aging to a human pace so they could have as normal life as possible. When I think about the man that fathered them I can't help but grip the wheel till my knuckles turn white mad at him and myself. I remember the event very well and I wish I didn't.


I was 16 years old. I was a Huntress's my uncle became the leader after my parents died. He sent me on a job to kill The Hybrid Nicklaus Mickelson. From what I have heard through the vine is he is a formidable enemy he has slaughtered and seriously maimed other hunters and huntresses through the centuries. He has several siblings and was very handsome as I had seen in pictures. He was hosting a small party at his home. I had to get dressed up for a party. My uncle had gotten me an invitation. I put on silk and satin floor length single shoulder strap black dress that faded into blue and black heels. I curled my hair into elegant curls that cascaded down my back in golden waves. I put on mascara and a dark red lipstick. I put on some perfume and strapped a dagger that had been dipped in white oak ash to my thigh we had lost the stake a century ago. I had vervain in my clutch as a way to weaken him. I walked out of the house looking like a million dollars. I got their in 30min I handed the man at the door my invite and went in. Time to find the Nicklaus I thought to myself. I fit right in. I grabbed a glass filled with scotch I'm more of vodka girl but it isn't all that bad. I talked a little with the other people. I was just about to down my 4th glass of scotch when I saw the man of the hour himself. I popped in a mint and looked at him from across the room until he saw me he strutted over with an air of confidence. I also got the sense of danger, death, and power. It kind of turned me on I felt rush of adrenaline. My heart started going faster. He bent down and kissed my hand. "I could not help but notice a beauty like you across the room." He said with a seductive smile. "My name is Nicklaus Mickelson May I ask what yours is". I blushed no man has asked as gentlemanly or blush as he had. "It's Jessica. "I said What no last name?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "I prefer to keep certain things a mystery." I said as I gave him my own seductive smile. "Well you are the loveliest one at this party and I like a little mystery." You're not that bad looking yourself Mr. Mickelson." I gave a playful and teasing smile and took a sip out of my glass. "Please call me Klaus." He said with a charming smile. Just then I heard someone call out Klaus name. I turned to one of his brothers I think this one is Elijah. He looked to be in his 20's but I knew he was much much older. Nicklaus confirmed what I thought when he called him Elijah. "I will leave you two to talk and go get us drinks." I said as I excused myself and left to get the drinks. I made sure to stay in ear shot. "Brother why did you interrupt?" He asked his brother with a calm voice that had a little edge. "Klaus I over heard someone talk about a huntress coming to kill you." "Who is it?" "Honestly brother you know that pretty creature you were dancing with seems like a good candidate." I blocked them out after that, SHIT they know. How? I better get this done soon. I grabbed two glasses of scotch I pulled the vervain out of my clutch and put in one of the glasses I turned and saw his brother had left I walked back over and gave him the glass with the vervain I made sure he drank it all he gave a little wince and coughed a little. "Are you okay did it go down the wrong pipe or can you not handle your liquor?" I asked sounding concerned at first and then playful. "Trust me Ms. Jessica I can handle my liquor." He gave me a smile. I drank the rest of mine. I was half drunk but I had enough practice to look and act sober. The vervain should have taken effect. I went to the bathroom I was going to seduce him and then try and kill him this is my first time doing it. I excused myself to the bathroom I made myself look sexier but still modest. My breast are little bit more exposed I moved my hair away from my neck to entice him more God I hope I can kill him before he takes a bite out of me. I walked out of the bathroom. I saw him I went over to him his eyes immediately turned darker with lust and hunger at the site of me I knew I had him we talked a little more before I knew it I was in his room.

The Hybrids Children (Klaus fanfic) (EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now