Russia x Reader - Video Games

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A/N: I first posted this on my dA for a good friend of mine, who writes really well like damn gurl. Anyway, I decided that I would move it over here because, why not? So yeah, this was a gift to a friend and it came from my dA, AliceCantBeStopped. Enjoy~ (ps if you find any mistakes please tell me! <33 Love you guys :3)

It was obvious to everyone but yourself that your boyfriend, Ivan, did not like how much time you were spending with your good friend, Alfred. He knew that you were just playing video games with the American, seeing as you have invited the male over to play at your apartment with Ivan there plenty of times. He knew you had other friends, as well, but he couldn't help but be selfish with you. He only wanted you to notice him and play games with him.

The only problem with playing video games with Ivan was that he didn't understand most of them or didn't care for them. You would have liked to play a game with your boyfriend but you didn't know what to play.

At first you thought a fighting game would be great but he couldn't even make it to the first boss without your help. You also thought horror would be a good choice but he wasn't phased by it at all, much to your distaste.

You were running out of options as to what you thought he would like, and that is the reason you were hanging out with Alfred so much. He would let you borrow his games to see if your boyfriend would like them and, so far, none of them worked.

You sighed, “Al, I really don't know what to do. I really want Ivan and I to play some cool games together but I can't find anything he would like.” You knew that you didn't have to share everything with your boyfriend but you loved video games.

Some people would even say you were obsessed with how many games you own or have rented. It was nice that Ivan would go out and get you a game you thought looked cool, or stand in line with you to get a newly released game. You just wanted to share the fun with him so it wasn't for not.

“Sorry, dudette! I have no idea what your Russian boy-toy would like.” Alfred, being your idiot gamer friend, liked to call Ivan a multitude of things- some not so sugar-coated. They never really got along to begin with so it wasn't a surprise.

You frowned slightly at his attitude, regardless of if he didn't like your boyfriend he didn't have to act like a big meanie to your teddy-bear like Russian. “I should probably get going. Ivan said he wanted to show me something.” You smiled a bit at the last part of your sentence. Ivan always was the sweetest person. You had no doubt in your mind that he got you a new video game he thought you would like. It was comforting how well he knew you even after only a few years of dating.

You said your goodbyes and left Alfred's humble-home, luckily his boyfriend wasn't there so you didn't have to worry about a hostile Brit yelling at your bestie for some reason or another. You sighed as you got into your- well Ivan's car. You were never very excited to learn to drive but you had to use that skill to get from your apartment to Alfred's.

After sitting through a bit of traffic you finally made it back to your home. Once you got out of your car and locked it, you walked up the two flights of stairs to your lovely apartment with a smile. In your (dominate hand) hand was your key to get inside as you unlocked the door before shutting it behind you. You always make sure to lock the door behind you, and this time was no exception.

To your right is your kitchen while the living room is directly, and slightly to the left, in front of you. You can easily see your boyfriend from his position on the couch, but the TV isn't on.

You tilt your head slightly and walk over towards him. Normally, he would greet you whenever you walked in, but he seemed a bit preoccupied today.

After setting your things down by the back of the couch you rest your head on your boyfriend's shoulder, peaking over to see what he is doing. To your surprise he is playing on a light purple DS. The game he was so preoccupied with just so happened to be the newest Animal Crossing, which you had clocked a few days into just to get your town up and started.

"Hello, my sunflower~. I did not hear you come in." Ivan turned his head slightly so you could see the smile on his lips which in turn made you smile.

"Ah, it's alright. What did you want to show me?" You asked this regardless to the clue he was holding in his grasp. You had to make sure what you were seeing was true and not some fantasy you made up while in traffic.

His eyes twinkled only slightly, "Why did you not tell me this game was interesting? I never expected it to be so addictive."

You grinned at his words, "I'm so sorry but I never thought you would like something like that." You let a out a little nervous giggle, "I was only thinking about what someone of your.... well.... I suppose appearance... would like- horror, fighting types, etcetera. Sorry."

"It is fine, ____. I do not seem like the type to enjoy a cuter game."

"This is why I love you. You are such a sweetie." You gave him a smile before kissing his cheek and wrapping your arms around his neck. A moment later a thought occurred to you, "Oh! How about we play together!? That would be fun right??" You had moved your arms way from his neck, pumping your fists into the air with a strange twinkle in your eye. "I'll go grab my DS!" You said, but before he could utter 'da' you had already left to your shared bedroom and came back with the device clasped in your hands.

Ivan couldn't lie that the look on your face was the cutest thing he ever saw. "I think playing together would be a lot of fun." He smiled and a big grin appeared on your face.

And so, for the next few hours you sat in Ivan's lap, snuggled into his chest while you both messed around with one of your favorite games. You finally got what you wanted, a day spent with your boyfriend playing the cutest video game. You couldn't be more happier and Ivan, well, he was enjoying himself and loving the happy aura you sent out.

He would always love (Name), his obsessive gamer girlfriend.

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