The first day

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Y/n= your name
(F/c)= favorite color
(H/c)= hair color
(H/l)= hair length
N/n= Nick name
(L/n)= last name
More will be added as we go!!
Your pov
Today is my first day at Phoenix Academy. I'm not what you'd call a normal girl. First off I'm the daughter of the strongest people in Minecraftia. My father is the Shadow Lord and my mother is Irene. This wouldn't be the first school I've been to. I've been to quite a few. It's my junior year. My brother Max loves football and so do I. I am one of 4 kids in my family born on the same day so I guess I'm a quadruplet. I have two brothers and one sister. There's Max, Ella, and Alex. And obviously me. Ella is a girly girl. I've never worn makeup or dresses. My hair is either in a braid or pony tail.
"Y/n!! Are you ready yet!?!?" Yelled Max.
"Yeah!" I say coming down in a plain (f/c) T-shirt with shorts and sneakers.
"Let me guess your gonna play football?" Ella asks
"Isn't it obvious?" I ask with sass.
"Yeah a little!" Said Alex.
"Whatever! I'm going to school and if you're gonna join me I suggest getting in the car!!" I say to them and they all run to the car.
Wow am I that scary??
*Time skip brought to you by Pink fluffy unicorns*
We made it to school. The bell hasn't rung yet and I already see jocks here.
"Wow what are the jocks doing here already?" I ask Max and Alex.
"Wow already being rude!?!" Ella says.
"Isn't it kinda my job?" I ask.
The jocks walk towards us.
"Hey cuties!" Says a sandy blonde one.
"Their not just jocks their also Casanova's!" I say and Max and Alex laugh.
"Wow you have an attitude!" Says a blue haired one.
"Yeah... I wouldn't mess with her." Said Alex.
"Why not it's not like she can hurt the captain of the football team!" Says the golden blonde on.
"Is that a challenge??" I say.
"Yeah because I'm gonna win!!!" He said.
"Dream on Casanova!" I say a black haired girl walks up to us.
"Laurence, Garroth, and Dante stop getting girls mad at you!! I believe she could beat you any day!" She said.
"C'mon Aphmau!! Please! Let us beat her!!" Said the golden blond one.
"What sport??" I ask.
"Football!" All three of them say.
"Are you trying to dig your own graves here??" I ask.
"Nope. Come to try-outs tonight and we'll see if you are a good player!" The golden blonde one says.
"I'll see you there!" I say then walk to my class laughing. Oh yes!! I have gym first hour!! Then physical fitness! Two gym classes! Yes!! I walk into class to see the three jocks with 5 more. They all see me.
"Wow looks like we have a follower!" Said the blue haired one.
"In your dreams!!" I say.
"Ooooohhhhh!!!" Everybody shouts.
"Wow looks like somebody is trying to get popular!!" Says the sandy blonde one.
"Looks like three boys are trying to get girls attention. Do you see any girl looking at you? Because I don't!" I say. And I get the same reaction from the class.
"A strong girl hilarious!! I'm pretty sure you wear dresses all the time!!" Says the golden blonde one and he tries to punch me but I duck and kick his legs and he falls. At this point all the girls are laughing along with the boys that don't hang out with those 8. The teacher walks in.
"Students today we will be starting our football unit!!! Since tonight is try-outs I would like anybody interested in football to come and see me ASAP." He said. Pretty much those 8 guys walked up and I went over.
"A girl!?! Like girls can fight!" Said the gym teacher.
"Aren't you supposed to be helping the students instead of bringing them down?" I asked.
"Oh she's a tough one!!" The teacher said.
"Wow just wow!!" I say.
"Let's see what you can do!! Laurence you're going up against her. Pick one other person to be on your team!" He said.
"Dante!" Said Laurence.
"I don't need anybody! Are you crazy I can take down two people!!" I say.
"Okay you're asking for it!!" Said Dante.
"Y/n don't get hurt otherwise youre parents will sue us!" The teacher said.
"I don't have parents!" I say. We begin the football match and I end up winning against two people.
"Beginners luck!" Said Laurence.
"Wanna do it again?" I ask.
"Hell yeah!!" Laurence said.
"Fine you're on!" I say.
"Y/n and Laurence why not in front of the entire school?" Asked the gym teacher.
"Oh yeah!! And I'll let Laurence have two more guys!" I say.
"Don't you think you're a little out numbered?" Asked Laurence
"Nope!!" I say then an announcement came on.
"Teachers and students please make you're way to the football field we will be having a little show!" It said.
"Well we better get going!!" I say and Laurence glares at me.
*At the football field*
"Okay students!! Are you ready for 4 v 1 football?" Asked the principal. All I heard was cheering.
"There's a twist!! The 4 most popular football players at our school will be going up against (y/n) (l/n)! A girl!!" Said the gym teacher and then all the girls where screaming their heads off. I walked out and so did Laurence, Garroth, Travis, and Dante. I walked out from the opposite side of the guys. I walked out and heard nonstop cheering. I looked in the crowd and saw my sister and brothers.
"Okay leet's do this!!" Said the gym teacher, "ready... get set... GO!!!" I bolted towards the ball and stole it and ran for it Dante tried stoping me and I jumped over him, Laurence was behind him and I slid under him. I made a touchdown and the crowd went wild!! The guys started with the ball again and i almost did the same technique but I changed it up. And I got another touchdown!! I was at 12 points while the guys where at 0. The gym teacher said it was enough.
"Wow y/n that was great! Are you coming to try-outs tonight?" He asked.
"Yep you better believe it!" I say.
"How did you do that?" Laurence asked me.
"I was thought by my cousins! In fact i just beat one of them!!" I say.
"Which one of us?" Laurence asked.
"Travis!" I say.
"Huh? Wait? Y/n??" He said
"The one and only!!" I say then Travis hugs me.
"Okay off now!!" I say and he gets off.
"So wait you learned some of those moves from me?" He asked
"Some of them but most of them just came to me and I tested them out against my uncle's. Who are professional football players!" I say after everybody that wasn't in our gym class or physical fitness leaves. Ella, Max, and Alex all walked over and told me I did great.
"Y/n!!! You did wonderful!!!! Oh hey Travis!!" Said Ella.
"That was wonderful!" Said Alex.
"You have to be on the team now!!" Said Max.
"Haha I saw your face Travis!! You seem tired!" I say.
"Tell me about it! You're really fast! And skilled even more skilled that Laurence!! No offense Laurence!!" He said and all Laurence did was glare at me.
"Looks like somebody's mad!!" I say
"You just humiliated me! Why wouldn't I be mad?" Laurence yelled.
"Okay, One get used to it! And two like i care!!" I say and suddenly he pushes me.
"Oh so that's how it's gonna be? Get mad and push somebody?" I say and everybody sees Laurence's red eyes.
"A Shadow Knight??" I say looking at him.
"Wow you know who I am!?! That's a first!" He says in a demonic voice.
"Laurence it's obvious on what you are to me and my siblings and Travis!" I say.
"Oh wow so meaningful!!" He said in a demonic voice, "like you've ever met one before!!"
"Actually you're wrong!!" I say and my siblings and Travis all nod at me and we all turn.
"Wow! I guess you've met a few!" He said and then he lunged at me and I blocked it.
"I'm a Shadow Kid Laurence! Don't try to kill me!" I say.
"A Shadow Kid huh? I've never met on or actually all of them and here are all of them!!" He said then started laughing evily.
"Huh trying to get me to back down because you'll die! Wow pathetic!!" He says and tries to stab me.
"Thank you y/n! I don't like my form. I could have maybe killed myself huh?" He asked
"Maybe but if it makes you feel better I won't even try to get on the team..." I say
"No we need you on the team! There's no way without you we could win. I know I overreacted a bit but I've never been beat by a girl," he said
"Ok one you overreacted alot more than a bit, two I don't like being classified as a girl and three are you sure you guys where great out there." I say.
"Yes I'm sure anyways you where even better out there I've never seen anybody move so quickly or do those moves!" He said.
Laurence's pov
OMI am I falling in love with (y/n)? I can't be!! But she was the first person ever to get me out of my form... gah!!
Oh yay time for math with Mrs. Twinkie! I wonder what (y/n) has?
Y/n pov
Oh yay Physical Fitness! I walk in and the gym teacher comes over to me.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"It says on my schedule that I have this class," I say.
"Well I'm transferring you because you don't have math on this schedule." He says.
"Okay..." I say then he tells me it's Mrs. Twinkie. Why does Twinkie sound so familiar? I leave to the classroom and I walk in to see.....
Cliffhanger haha this chapter was around 1831 words I've never written so much in my life!! This is my very first Laurence x reader book I hope you guys enjoyed!!! First chapter done!!!! Yay go me!!!

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