Chapter 6

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My palms were sweating and my heart was beating a mile a minute as I left that construction trailer. Just being around her satisfied my wolf, and made us feel whole again. That was good, because since the day Samantha left, my wolf hasn’t spoken to me. I haven’t been able to change and I felt like half the person I was supposed to be. I used to get tired of my wolf constantly telling me to stop sleeping around, now I can’t even get him to talk to me at all.

I didn’t want to leave, but Samantha was stubborn to the core and I knew she wouldn’t give in easily. I’m just happy she agreed to meet with me.

I drove around aimlessly while waiting for our meeting time. I was going to do everything in my power to convince her to leave her husband behind and come back with me. She belonged with me.

Ten minutes early, I found myself sitting outside of a two story house, with white paint, and blue shutters. It had flower beds beneath the windows and a basketball hoop set up in the drive way. All that was missing was the white picket fence.

There was a twist in my chest as I realized, this is the life Samantha wanted, and I wasn’t the one who gave it to her.

I got out of the car feeling a little of the weight I’ve been carrying around for the past six months lighten. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer, hoping it wasn’t her husband.

She opened the door, and took my breath away. She had on a pair of those lounge pants with a tank top, and her hair was up in a messy bun. She had no make up on, but she was beautiful to me. 

“Hello Devin, come in.” she motioned for me to enter.

Once inside I felt a sense of home. She had decorated it much like our own house. With warm earth tones and simple, comfortable furniture. She shut the door and led me to the dining room. I couldn’t tell you what it looked like because when I caught sight of the words printed across her backside, that’s all I could stare at. It said, “juicy” and it definitely was. I used to kiss that backside whenever I had the chance. I no longer had that privilege. 

She offered me the chair at the table, and took the one across from me. I couldn’t resist asking through gritted teeth, “Will your husband be joining us?”

She bit her lip like I used to remember her doing when she was nervous, “No, he had to see a client out of town so he won’t be back till tomorrow.”

That was good, because if I had to see him touch and hold her, I don’t think I would be able to stop myself from ripping his heart out. “So, it’s just the two of us, then?” I couldn’t hide the excitement in my voice at this news. This is the chance I needed to apologize and woo her back into my arms.

“Well, not nece-” Not wanting to give her a chance to kick me out, I quickly cut her off. “Look, I know I don’t deserve it, but I want a second chance. I made a huge mistake and I regret it more than I can say. These past months without you have been torture. I stopped seeing those other women the day you left and I never plan on seeing them again. I only want you, Samantha.”

Betrayed By My Mate (Book 1 of the Complicated Mates series) Currently EditingWhere stories live. Discover now