3rd Part

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Hope you like it ;-)


10. You envy all the fans that have gotten within 1 meter (or closer!!) of touching him.

11. You make a list of things that prove you are obsessed with Bill.

12. You have attempted to dress up like him (HAIR INCLUDED), failed, and had an amazingly good time!!!

13. You giggle....or plainly laugh when you hear him speak english.

14. You know when his birthday is.


(To point '12' I have to say, I made my haircut like Bill's in 2009/2010 (look picture of my first chapture^^)
I have a Mohawk like Bill had, but my hair on the top is a lil bit longer. So, yeah I tried to make my hair standing up....f*cking failed. It looked like a banana on top of my head...
And I used so much hairspray so I had to wash my hair 3 times :-)))
That was fun.....)

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