The Dead Mans' Love

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The Dead Mans' Love

"Well, tonight I am going after the one the tales have been of, I hear his blood is the best blood there is out there. I am so thrilled to even think of it, it has been so long since my last kill."

"Do not you dare! He is mine!"

"Ah, fledgling, you want him, do you? You are brave to stand up to an elder, I heard you stood to another, but I admit I am astounded you have myself as well. I had believed it to be a falsehood."

Yes, he is mine! Keep away, I want him."

The one called Grandfather stared at his new toy, taken back in shock. Who was he to stand up to any member of the clan, should he not be shaking at his heels just to be in front of me? He wondered.

But the weaker vampire only stood and looked at 'his king' he felt disgust deep in his heart. A boiling hatred, one nothing but the elders' death would cool. He hated the old voices scratchy tone, the way it still hung in his ears, how it made his throat tight with hatred. Now he hated him more than ever, and wanted him dead. Never had he wanted anything more, besides to be human. For his old life. Love to be safe, and no longer a monster.

Both stared, longing to rip the other apart, however the older vampire had a fear he just stared. There was something in the youngers' eyes, a light he had not before seen. His courage seemed relaxed, and though a fear was present, it was hidden by a strong hatred. The hate was thick in the air. He could smell it, strong and pungent, it made his blood curdle, and his skin could nearly taste it's doom. He knew that this was a victorious one, no matter the age he would be mighty. His words showed a power, and forced respect. If he had a heart, it would have been screaming for cover, if he it would have ripped out of its case. But he didn't. In an odd way he had an excitement he hadn't had in millennia, since he was changed. He actually had recovered a feeling, a feeling that actually caused panic, no matter the shield he was forcing alive. He was afraid.

A fledgling, who ever heard of a fear being so high of a fledgling? He wondered, in his coffin. The confrontation hadn't gone right. The younger, three days old, should have cowered. Who was he? What even was his name? It was Breckan, a name he had not known any being to have. He was uncommon in many ways, and he hated having him. He was different, he had more emotion, somehow. No vampire should have true love, or peace, yet he did. Or seemed to, anyhow.

He must be executed, the ruler though, he must be. The king felt a catastrophic feeling inside, he could not lay a hand on him, his fear was high. Three days and the younger had not fed, rather had not been seen eating, the ruler thought. The King's paranoia overwhelmed him, and his decision had been made, he would kill the one who treated his power.

They were cuddled close, tears clouding ones eyes. They made two lines, seeping, forming a slow streams down his face. A low sob escaped his throat, and a tightening pulled him closer and he heard "closer" but the voice was low, and soft, it had skipped pieces, sounding torn. He was still asleep. The beautiful blonde boy beside his lay in slumber, dreaming of snuggling. A chill had blown across his face, hitting a place a tear had traveled and the chill came from his boyfriends sobbing, and cooled his face. He had gotten cold in the dream.

Words could not explain the love Breckan held for the boy, words are so vague in so many circumstances. He knew death was certain when the discovered, and the boys' would be first. They would draw his out, and make it painful, and he would be forced to hear the screams and pleas, the tears, and watch his one love die. They could not ever know, but today raised questions, it would have had to have. He thought. You do not tell an elder no, and you especially do not tell the Master no. They will not touch him, though.

She wanted power, and was firm in taking it. The one she conceived would certainly form the momentum needed to break the entire clan into chaos. He was the key, if he failed she would lose all. Once the king battled him, she would kill the king, with the aid of those she swore noble positions too, and good pays. They were morons, she would do nothing for them but bind then to her chains, and they would do her will. There would be nobody with the courage to question her authority, it would just flow right though. The gold, lair, and it all would be fit her touch. The first thing she planned would be robbing every jewelry store in the world, and keeping the items for herself. Then she would imprison mankind for the Rest of eternity, and bargain with the devil to take their souls.who could stop her?

He could smell the love, it perfume the air. He was furious with jealousy, and the thirty-two he had brought with him crept through. He stared from the big willow, watching close as they crept in. He would be justified in this death, it is a breaking of the clan, a law which must be followed. A human cannot know. It is forbidden and for this crime he shall pay.

She watches close, bat eyes sitting on a branch a mile away. One of her followers creeps with the kings', and excitement blurs her thoughts.

Breckan lay waiting, smelling their awful footsteps and waits, ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2013 ⏰

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