||Febuary 1rst, 2017||

7 0 0

"Rayne Mac Lorence!"

I sigh gently and pick up my bag. The bus is going to be here in a couple minutes and I doubt I'll be making it.

That's alright, the air will do me good.

My uncle Jay is probably in another, what he likes to call it, mid life crisis. He never really took to taking care of me when I first came to him 10 years ago, but now he's found a way to enjoy it.

By getting me to do his dirty work.

"Rayne, get your goddamn ass in here before you spend the day in the basement."

My pace quickens and before I know it I'm not facing Jay, but I still question him. "Yes, uncle Jay?"

When I reach the room I'm faced by him; Esmond Lou. My brother's face was draining of all colour and I could simply sigh as a response. "I've got school today, uncle Jay. Is this another deal you need my help sealing?" My hair, put up in a messy bun, soon drapes my shoulders.

Esmond's eyes shine in amusement at my assumption. "Nah, I was here to drop you off at school. Thought you might want a break from the bus."

"I've got a friend coming to pick me up." My words hold a icy tone, and I glance around the big figure to see the bus down my street. It would be here any second. "He's meeting me, and I need to go."

There was a expecting look in his eyes and I subtly rolled my own.


"No. Your getting a ride with me." His hand reaches for my own and I am about to pull it away when he gives me a look that shouts don't try to resist.

So, I don't. My uncle yells a few profanities, and promises I'll be getting a talk from him when I get home. I don't get his deal. He got me when I was 7 and he was 19, but he's always hated me and never really cared where I've went.

"When does your uncle Jay die?"

I freeze, and I can feel my blood run cold aswell. "I, um, he dies in a week.. February 11th. My, uh, my birthday."

"Must be a great present." He chuckles. I whip my head to face him, my mouth agape. "Why do you hate me, Ray?"

My mouth slowly closes and I shrug off the shock I just felt. I chuckle dryly and gaze out the window by the passing trees. Now would be a great time to have Ella, my third best friend in 7 years, but no, her death date is tomorrow and I can't handle not being able to tell her.

I can't stand, looking in the eyes of someone who's eyes will be lifeless within 24 hours. It was the same with my dad; and now I've learnt better.

"I hate you, maybe because you cheated on me in the first 4 days we were together. I can't believe you, Esmond."

Okay, I never had that much of a liking for him, but still. Even if we were more or less forced because our parents were both best friends, you don't do that. And now I have to wait 7 months for him to die.

September 7th, 2017.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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