Chapter Ten

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I followed him to the bedroom. I sat down on the bed.

" I accept your deal but i have some conditions " I said

" okay let me hear them " He said

" I want to be able to see my family " I said

" so you will be able to go see him and be with him " He yelled

" you're going to have to trust me if you want this deal to work " I said

" don't you get it? i have told you so many time that i love you, that you have the power to destroy me, that's how much i love you Aileen " Raphael said

" you haven't show me that, all you have done is hurt me " I said

" i know and i'm sorry for that, but i will prove to you that i'm worthy of you, i will make everything up to you, i will dedicate my life to gain your trust, but if you betray me not even all the love i feel for you is going to save you " He said and left.


I got up and went to check on the baby, Raphael was with the Ophelia in the pool, Nanny had Stefan with her, I sat next to her.

" he is such a good baby, rarely cries lets us sleep thru the night only wakes up like twice to eat " Nanny said

" i'm trying to get to know him but i don't know what to do, Raphael took that away from me, he took the opportunity to get to know my baby to when he was born, he took him away from me hours after he was born " I said with tears in my eyes

" and you took him the opportunity to be with you the last months of your pregnancy, you took him the opportunity to see his child be born into this world " She said

I stood quiet, The baby started crying meaning he was hungry, i got him and went to my room to feed Stefan. Minutes later he felt asleep, i put him in his crib and went to take a shower. Once i was finished i put on a robe and went back to my room Raphael was in the bed carrying Stefan in his arms.

" do you ever think of how it would have been if you have giving me an opportunity " Raphael said while looking at Stefan

" you mean since you kidnapped me " I said , he gave me Stefan

" you hurt me every time you remind me of that, let me ask you do you regret having Stefan? " He asked

" of course not, i love him with all my heart and i will do anything for him " I said

" if i haven't kidnapped you like you say, Stefan wouldn't have been with us, Ophelia also would have still been in that orphanage " He said

" Stefan might not even be yours " I said

" please stop lying to yourself, we both know this kid is mine " He said

" you could have ask me out like normal people do " I said

" you could have ask me out like normal people do " I said

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