Reality Camp

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I flipped through my magazine bored as hell. I pulled out my phone and stared at the 3 big word that seemed to be mocking me :

No new messages

I sighed then typed :

Hi Ariel! Text me back?

2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes. I sighed and turned on the TV and quickly went through all the channels but then one caught my eye. A young looking guy was yelling at the screen. I hate it when commercial people yell. It doesnt make any sense. I let myself listen to it, my eyes rolling up to glance at the screen.

"Do you want to have the best time of your life?! Then come on down to Camp Coldwater! What is Camp Coldwater you say?! It's the elitest camp in America! If you have never seen Florida, this is your oppurtunity! There is no activities planned and you can roam free! Everyone who is anyone is flocking to Camp Coldwater! All the spaces are full but there is a contest for free admission! TEXT CONTEST TO 1-800-396-5588. NOW! OR YOU CAN GO TO WWW.CAMPCOLDWATER.COM. SO CALL THE NUMBER ON YOUR SCREEN OR GO TO WWW.CAMPCOLDWATER.COM! I DONT THINK YOU WANT TO BE BORED ALL SUMMER!

While he was talking, images flashed in the background of teens laughing, drinking, swimming, and having fun. That guy was right. I didn't want to be bored all summer.

The commercial seemed cheesy but I believed every word of it. What do I have to lose? I thought. I was bored so what the heck? I picked up my phone and rewinded the TV until it showed the number again. I typed it in and then sank back on the couch bored again. The whole camp thing only stalled my boredom. It's not like I'm gonna win. People like me never win.

Right then my brother and sister walked in. They are ten year old twins. "Whatcha doing?" My brother Connor asked.

" I just entered a contest."

"What kind of contest? Can I enter too?!" He asked eagerly.

"No." I said shaking my head. "It's just for teens."

I half expected Connor to do a temper tantrum. Connor doesn't like being told what he should or shouldn't do.

"Oh." He said walking away. He was probably going back to MInecraft which he was on 24/7.

I looked over at Courtney. Courtney was shy around people she didn't know but when she's around family she turns into a demon. She will scratch you and growl at you if you make her mad. She needs to be tough if she has a brother like Connor who always teases her. She could probably take him down. Heck, she could even take me down!

Courtney came over and started talking to me. Courtney could always make me less bored with her bright imagination.

My phone vibrated and I looked at it hoping it was Ariel. It was an unknown number.

I suddenly stood up and started screaming while running around. "I got in Courtney! I GOT IN!" I grabbed her arms and danced around with her. I knew just then that this was what I wanted. I was going to this camp. I was going to have fun. I was going to an elite camp!

The text message only contained some information. It said how I won the contest and it gave me a number to call. It also mentioned how I would have to be at camp next week. Now I just have to convince my parents....

(AN: I know this part sucks but I wasn't really feeling the ending so I just kinda made up words. It will get better.)


The room was dark and was lit with one light. There was a round table in the middle of the room with a person sitting in the chair. He turns around and faces the three young actors. None of them look nervous ; This is what they were born to do.

"As you know you are here for a reality TV show called The Camp." He spoke with a deep authorative voice. "You are to play your parts and create obstacles for our prospect." His hand flashes down and pulls out a picture and shoves it across the desk. "This is Hannah."

They look down. "I have decided to make it a little more intresting." He says. He then reaches down and pulls out another picture. "This is Jessica. You must be wondering why there are now TWO girls. Well our viewers will vote each week on who is more intresting, fun, has chemistry with the characters, espicially you," He nods towards the boy.

The boy smiles. His white teeth flash and it looks like he can be a model. He has a nice tan and perfect body. He has brown hair that spikes up in the front and piercing hazel eyes. When he smiles it is a sweet smile. Nothing like how the director smiles, sneaky. The boy is pretty innocent.

He can't help but first be attracted to Hannah. She had carmel colored hair and green eyes. Her hair was perfectly straight. And her smile was amazing. Her whole picture seemed to light the whole room up. He suspected that she was one of those people that everybody is attracted to and not because she was incredibly beautiful but of her shining personality.

He looked at Jessica. She was smiling smugly like she had just won a millions bucks. She had black hair and blue eyes. Her eyelashes were long and fluttery. She had green sparkly eyeshadow spread across her eyes. Her face was heart shaped. She was hot and sexy.

To him, Hannah looked like a goody-goody and Jessica a slut. But you know what they say don't judge a book by it's cover.

"You will report here each morning at 5, but make sure they don't follow you! Here you will get your assignments for the day and now each of you read your flyers so you will know who your character is and the background of that character. We ARE using your real names because this is a reality show... Kind of."

He stopped talking and they all looked up at him expectantly waiting for him to go on. He impatiently nodded towards the flyer/scripts.


Name: Blake.

Appearance: Brown spiky hair, hazel eyes, 5'7, muscle build, tan.

Personality: Cute next-door-neighbor, protective over Layla, loves to draw, karate instructor, funny, kind, plays soccer.

Style: T-shirts, jeans, Nike shoes.

Age: 18.

Siblings: Layla.

Purpose: Get closer to Hannah and Jessica and find out which you have better chemistry with.


Name: Layla.

Appearance: Short black layered hair-----"Excuse me? i don't have black hair."

"That's why we have hair dye," He said smartly.-----brown eyes, 5'6, a little chunky, tan.

Personality: Tough, listens to music, gets in fights, anger issues, mean.

Style: Black hoodie's, black jeans, converse, anything hot topic.


Siblings: Blake

Purpose: Not get along with girls.


Name: Ashley.

Appearance: straight long blonde hair, brown eyes, 5', skinny.

Personality: Girlygirl, has dumb moments, likes to shop, likes to sing, plays volleyball.

Style: Pink, Aeropostale, Puma tennis shoes.

Age: 16.

Purpose: Become friends.

Blake is just like his charcater! Friendly, nice, cute and charming. Layla is nothing like her character, she is regular and nice. Ashley might be the greatest actress of them all. She wants to be a star and will stop at nothing to get it...

Reality Camp

Hi I like constructive critisism but cut me some slack. This is the first story I have ever written on Wattpad and it's a new level for me. I also have an account on Quibblo. So please Vote and favorite and comment!!!!!

Also I want to put together a cast for this story but I couldn't think of anyone so if you know a celebrity that I described tell me thanks. Bye!!!


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