Chapter 3

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Dylan's P.O.V
It's been 4 months since I met Jc and he finally asked me out 3 weeks ago. I was super shocked. Of course I said yes haha but I've never been so happy. My family loves him. It's just great. Kian called me up yesterday and asked me to keep Madison busy because he's going to set up a big surprise for her but he needs her to film a video with him for the surprise. "So Madison, how are you and Kian? Are you actually liking him now?" I ask laughing "yeah I mean he's great. We've been taking things slow well except for when we did stuff a few weeks ago. But other than that we're taking it slow which I don't mind." She says smiling. "Would you date him though.?" I ask. "If he asks me then yeah most likely. It's just the fame that bothers me. If they go on tour there will be girls everywhere and I won't know what's going on." She says. "If he really likes you he won't do anything stupid" I say reassuring her. "Why exactly did you take me to the mall anyway?" she asks getting suspicious. "No reason just didn't want to go alone." I say kinda fast. "Mhm" she says laughing. We shop for about 2 hours when I get a text from Kian

Kian 😅- ready for her

Me-On our way.

"Come on Madison" I say "where are you taking me now?" She complains. "To Kian and Jc's to hangout with them." I say smiling. She doesn't decline so we walk to my car and drive to their house.

Madison's P.O.V
I was kinda suspicious about Dylan taking me to the mall because she hates going with me because I could shop all day if she let me but I just kinda ignored that thought. We pull up to Kian's house and I just go inside. "Kian! I'm here!" I yell from the living room. "Heyy" he says walking over to hug me. "How would you feel about making a video with me?" He asks right away. "Um I don't know. Your fans don't seem to like me from your Instagram pictures." I say unsure of what to do. "They'll love you once they get to know you. Pleaseeeeee." He begs. "Okay let's do it." I say nervously. We walk into Kian's room to his room all set up with lights and his camera. "Okay so I'm gonna start and I'll let you know when to come in" he says instructing me.
(YouTube video)
Kian- Hey guys it's Kian, yes without Jc but I have some even cooler and much prettier. Welcome my friend Madison!

Me- Hey guys he's right I'm Madison *Awkward asf*

Kian- today we are gonna film a q&a questions asked by most of you supporters. So the first question is when did you guys meet?

Me- we met at a meet and greet at Huntington Beach on June 5th 2016

Kian- yup she's right. Do you like Kian?

Me- yeah, he's super cool and just really genuine. At first I hated him but now we're super close.

Kian- aww she's so sweet *laughs* next question. Will you go out with me?

me- is that for you or me?

Kian- *shakes his head laughing* I'm asking you silly

Me- wait really?
I immediately start freaking out "Kian wait seriously?" I ask him trying not to cry. "Awww don't cry. Hold on let me pause this." He says standing up to stop the camera and then hugs me. "Yes I want you to be mine forever. I want to be able to call you my girlfriend. So what do you say?" He says looking at me. "Yes, yes I'll go out with you." I say standing up to hug him. We finish the video and once we're done we call papa johns and order two large pizzas for me,Kian,Jc, and Dylan. "Thank you guys so much for setting all this up for me." I say. "No problem" they all say together.

Kian's P.O.V
"So tonight I think we should throw a party." Jc says standing up fast. "It's already 10:00 nobody's gonna show up" I say laughing. "Uh yeah they will. Trust me." He says back. "I think it's a great idea" Madison says looking at me. I mean what harm will be done with a little party. It's now 12:00 and people are showing up. We didn't invite fans because we don't want them attacking Madison or Dylan so we invited our closest friends and youtubers. I walk outside to where everyone is at the pool so Jc and I walk up and stand on some really big rocks to get everyone's attention. "Guys!!!!" Jc yells. "We have two people we want you to meet. Some of you guys may have already met them tonight. But Jc and I want you guys to meet our girlfriends Dylan and Madison!" I yell as the girls walk up shyly. "Get some! Fuck yeah!" I hear some of the guys yell. "Haha guys calm down we don't wanna scare them away yet. But I need you guys to make them feel as comfortable as possible because our fans are starting to get pissy because we have girlfriends. The fans are starting to act the girls on their instagrams and snapchats so please everyone just make them feel like part of the family." I say hugging Madison. After my speech the party goes on for another 4 hours so it's four o'clock in the morning and people start to leave. "Thank you guys for coming" I say letting the last people out of the house.

Madison's P.O.V
      "I had so much fun tonight." I say cuddling up with Kian in bed. "I'm so happy my friends are treating you guys so nicely." Kian says pulling me closer. It's so weird to me that just a few weeks ago I was just a normal girl but now I've made so many new friends that I wouldn't have ever been friends with if I hadn't went to the meet and greet with Dylan. I'm so happy she made me go. "Did you hear me Madison?" Kian asks looking at me. "Oh um no I was spacing off sorry." "Well I said I'm bored and wanna do something." He says laughing. "It's 4:45 in the morning what do you wanna do at this time." I laugh. "Idk lets go to McDonald's." He says getting up. "I'm down for some chicken nuggets." I say getting up fast. We get into Kian's car and drive down to McDonald's. We go inside to eat because why not. "Kian! Omg!" A screaming girl says running up to us as we eat. "Heyy" Kian says standing up to hug her. "Can I get a picture with you?" The girls says trying not to cry. "Yeah yeah of course." Kian says back. "Here I'll take the picture" I say smiling at the girl. Part of me doesn't like this but he's famous so I'm gonna have to get over it one day. "Thank you so much" the girls says hugging Kian and I. We finish eating and get in the car to drive back home. "Wait this isn't the way home." I say laughing at Kian. "I know. Have you ever been up to the Hollywood sign?" He asks me. "Nope are we going?!" I say getting excited. "Yup" Kian says grabbing my hand. We drive up a long path and get out of the car and it's just breath taking. The sun is coming up and the view is gorgeous. We sit in the back of Kian's car and start making out. One thing leads to another and it's getting heated. "Get in the car" Kian's says demanding. I get up and lay down in the back seat. Kian takes his clothes off except for his boxers and then starts taking my clothes off leaving me in only my bra and panties. "Are you ready for this?" Kian asks making sure I'm okay with everything. "Yeah, come on." I say trying to get him to hurry up. Before I know it we are fucking in his car and it's amazing. We both hit our climax and sit there out of breath. "That was great." He says trying to breath normally. "Fuck yeah it was." I say putting my clothes back on.

Dylan's P.O.V
      I wake up in Jc's bed because I hear a lot of noise from the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I ask Jc walking into the kitchen. "Well I was trying to make you breakfast but I can't really cook." He says laughing. "Awh well it's the thought that counts" I say hugging him. "I'll just go get you some donuts and coffee." He says while I climb on the counter to sit on it. "Sounds good to me. Do you want me to come?" I ask him. "You can but don't have to" he says kissing me. "Okay I'll just stay here and get a shower."

Jc's P.O.V
     The reason I was trying to make Dylan breakfast was because I just found out we are going on tour for a few months. I asked if Kian and I could bring the girls but I was told no because the fans are causing problems with us dating them. I just started dating her a month ago and I already have to leave her for a few months. It's gonna suck.

4 weeks later
Kian's P.O.V 
      "Baby we need to talk." I say pulling Madison over to me. "About what?" She says sitting next to me. "Jc and I are going on tour in a few days." "That's awesome! When exactly are we going?" She says getting excited. "That's the thing. You girls can't come. The fans are bashing you guys on the Internet and it just wouldn't be a good idea for you guys to come." I say looking down. "Oh" she says standing up. "I have to go. My mom needs my help moving." She says walking out of my room. Shit, I knew she was gonna be upset. I mean who wouldn't be. I'm upset because I have to leave her. But it's my job and I love my job. She probably thinks I'm leaving her and not coming back or I'll meet another girl and just leave her. That's not my intentions though. I only want her. I love her.

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