Where's Danny?

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Day 2
Stiles POV
7:19 A.M.
Last night everybody managed to evenly fill up the tents, but sometime in the middle of the night everyone piled up around me and Derek. I figured that my back would hurt from sleeping on the ground but it doesn't, but I mostly slept on top of Derek and Scott. I look around the tent to see if anyone else is awake, I make eye contact with Liam and I smile at him. He was cuddled up to Jackson and Isaac was cuddled up to Liam, he was swirling Isaacs hair with if fingers. Isaac has the cutest little smile and a peaceful face because he loves people playing with his hair.

"Derek..." I nudge him awake and whispered, he woke up and protectively wraps his arms around me. He does this every time he gets woken up and startled, Scott did the same because Derek woke him up. "Didn't you want to go on a hike?" I asked and he nodded, I gently wake the pups and asking if they would like to join the hike.
30 minutes later
Ethan's POV
Mom, Dad, and some of the pups went for a walk a couple minutes ago, I stayed behind because I didn't get much sleep. I haven't been able to sleep lately, Danny would always hold me but now that's not a thing anymore. Danny hasn't been around much now that we broke up, he's at his boyfriend's house all the time. I need to get him out of my mind... I get up and step over Lydia to get out of the tent. I look in the tent to see who didn't go, and it seems to just be me, Lydia, and Kira. I turn around to see Danny grilling something and then I roll my eyes.

"Hey," Danny said "H-hey," I said sheepishly, he looked at me surprised and took the phone from his ear. "Hold on Mike," he put the phone call on mute, "I'm fixing some breakfast for the pack, do you want some now?" Danny offered and I shook my head. I got my backpack out of the van and changed into my jogging clothes. I stripped down in front of Danny and I could feel him watching but I didn't care. I can't deal with it just being us two, I got a nature bar.

"Where are you going?" Danny asked "A jog," I slipped on my tennis shoes and started tying them. "I don't think Derek or Stiles would want that?" Danny calling mom and dad by their real names caught me off guard. "So," I shrugged and stood up, "you're not going by yourself..." Danny stated. "You're sure as hell aren't going with me..." I scoffed and the began my jog.
-------------- 30 minutes later

I see that mom and dad are back when I get back from jogging, "Hi mom," I hug him and he laughs. "Hey baby, how was yall's jog?" He asked. "I went alone..." I said confused, "then where's Danny? When we got back and Lydia and Kira said Danny woke them up telling them that he was gonna catch up with you," Mom explained. I shook my head and I got a bad feeling in my stomach, I know something is off. I can tell Mom has the same feeling. "Mom... Do you think he's ok? Danny is faster than me, he should have caught up with me. Something's wrong... I can feel it," I panic "He should be back anytime soon... I'll get the pups and Derek to track him down," Mom said trying not to freak me out. "Oh my gosh..." I whisper and then get out my phone and dialed his number, but he didn't pick up. I dialed several more times but still no answer...

Where's Danny? And is he safe?

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