Apartment of Memories

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The apartment that seemed to be Alejo's considering they had a key and opened it and threw their shoes off into the the corner of the sage green painted living room. If not well...they must be quite comfortable in a strangers place.
It was a simple place with a nice earthy colour scheme. There was a large brownish couch along with an oversized reading chair in the living room and they motioned Mauvais to sit down as they went in to the connected kitchen.

He sat down slowly on the couch his lightweight body moving delicately and he sat legs crossed with a quiet clink as they touched. It was unusual to see advanced technology (compared to what he remembered which at that time was just oil lamps) such as the television and lights. Mauvais was taking it in slowly to as not overwhelm himself. After all he had so much time to have fun with these advanced little creatures! Especially with this curious being that had invited him in their home. He couldn't even tell what they were! Oh it was so exciting to be back! He could- no. No he can't do that. Mauvais thought to himself. He couldn't be like how he was previously anymore he can't cause that much pain...but maybe he could cause a fraction of it...there was nothing wrong with that. Right? Memory had began playing in his mind as flickering shots with voices faded. Faces fuzzy. With only few details
Clear and sharp enough to remember. Dates, times the stars. A wave of uncanny familiarity overcame him as he went through his past. His thoughts were interrupted by a sharp cough from Alejo.

"Did you hear me? Do. You. Want. Something. To. Drink?" They asked separating and speaking each syllable slowly as if Mauvais never heard English before. It took them a moment to see Mauvais' reaction. It was slow and careful the complete opposite to how he was when they had first seen him.

"No. I am fine. No drink for me. I am just thinking." He said his eyes narrowed in thought his mind still filled with his past memories. His past problems. His past relations.

"I was always told; If you close your eyes and listen hard enough you can hear the echo of your past sins." Before Alejo realized that they had spoken the words had already left their lips. It was odd. They never told anyone that saying that they remembered from when they were young. For them this was a detailed memory, for them this was an important memory. They remembered their mother cradling them in her arms speaking soft affectionate Spanish as she ran a dark tawny hand through their silky charcoal hair. They remembered the smell of cinnamon on her pale cream dress with intricate flowers embroidered upon it. They had to blink a few times to be brought back to reality confused to as why this was happening just now. Just today when they had met this mysterious glass man. Alejo had taken a moment to ponder what to say next. It had seemed Mauvais was doing the same. So instead why not just make small talk? It was the easiest way to get to know their new temporary 'roommate'. "So what brings you here?" They asked lazily their voice cutting through the buzz of silence.

Mauvais looked at them from his comfortable perch on the couch giving no regard to the silence that the two shared as they were replaying their respected memories in their minds. "I'm not to sure exactly why I chose this certain civilization actually. I just well...woke up from a deep meditation that I have been in for a few centuries. So I walked for a while before finding this place." Mauvais said with little care in his words even if there was a long twisted story behind each one. "My turn for a question. What are you? I know humans and many other beings even the living embodiment of Space itself. But I don't believe I've come in contact with such a thing as yourself."

Alejo just gave a bored look to him their eyes changing from their original emerald green with flecks of gold to a bright unnatural orange then to a dark mahogany before it returned to its original one. "I'm a Aswang." They said with a slight shrug. "In simplicity it's a shapeshifter. You can do your own research for the details." They let the corners of their lips tug up into a smirk as a look of confusion passed upon the others stoic glass face.

"Small talk over?" He asked looking at Alejo with a quick glance to the t.v.

"Sure. Do you...want...to watch t.v?" They had asked noticing his glance. "We can..." They reached froward for the remote and clicked it on the noise of a movie immediately reaching their ears. They took their eyes away from the dumbstruck Mauvais and watched the movie silently before they and Mauvais drifted off into a peaceful sleep the tv still playing quietly in the back ground as white noise.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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