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A shout out to shadowsinthestars for her beautiful cover in CONTEST 1.

A shout out to shadowsinthestars for her beautiful cover in CONTEST 1

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Thank you to everyone who participated.


Title: Crusader

Subtitle: [You Choose].

Type: Cover.

Genre: Action [including the mood as well].

Mood: Thriller/Horror.

Names: My username [@Yeah_I_Said_It] and your watermark, pen name, or Graphics By: [your name].

Limit: Just 1 please.

Requirements: This cover is sort of superhero based. I guess I superhero would be needed on the cover.

Other: I added this in last minute, but try and make a cover that looks like the cover of a comic book. This isn't a requirement, cause I want this to be another sort of loose cover, but I haven't seen anything like that done, so it seemed like a cool idea.

Deadline: August 7th [I guess I'll move this forward if there aren't enough entries].

NOTE: Please tag at least one person in the comments.

NOTE 2: shadowsinthestars was the winner of CONTEST 1, but will be judging CONTEST 3 which should be up right now as well. Please check that out.

NOTE 3: If you've gotten this far, thank you. This note isn't that important but, just try to be creative with what superhero you pick. It'd be boring if everyone had SuperMan or BatMan on their cover.


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