HumanSulley x Reader

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"No Sulley! That's wrong too!! UUGGHH next question, come on you have to learn this"
You said, currently you were trying to study with your best friend, James P. Sullivan, but unfortunately, he couldn't retain anything
"Okay, I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I'm not a genius like you"
He said fiddling with his pencil with a tired expression, even though you were only friends he gave you cute nicknames and you him, you were... more then friends... but less then a couple...if that makes sense? You always hung out or got food together, but not like dates. Whenever there was a party that one of you wanted to go to you would always take the other, but it was never like date dates to the party. Was it?
"Okay next one, fear of darkness, what's it called?"
You ask looking up from your text book and into his blue eyes that you got lost in for a moment. You had always secretly had a crush on your best friend. What's there not to love? He was funny, out going, and he was always sweet to you. His smile/fangs were dazzling, his features were define, and to be honest, had one hell of a body.
Gosh Y/n focus!! Important test coming up remember? You have to help Sulley learn this!! I know I know!! But he's just so cute!! Every time I see his I can't help but think 'hey Sulley, your face, I like that shit'
...oh my gosh that was the worst pick up line in history
"Fear of the dark? Um, acerophobia? Is that right?"
He asked with a lopsided smile while nibbling the end of his pencil, one of his little habits you found completely adorable
"Nooooo noooo nooooo, baby that's the fear of sourness, you're so dumb... but that's okay because you're so freakin' cute, I mean look at those eyebrows, *sigh* perfect"
You say running your hands through your h/l f/c hair and slamming your face into the table before you realized what you said
"Wait... you think I'm cute?"
He asked with a half smile half smirk on his face while pulling you by your roller chair by your desk to where he was sitting on your bed
You still didn't realize what you had said
" 'you're so dumb but that's okay because you're so freakin' cute' "
He mimicked pulling you from your chair and into his lap easily, so you were straddling his waist, and he placed his hands on your hips holding you in place while yours rested on his shoulders
"O-Oh...I-I didn't mean to-to-"
You were cut off as he moved one of his  hands from your hip and brought it to the back of your neck and pulled you towards him
"I love you too"
Was all he said before roughly pressing his lips to yours. You were still a little shocked but fully gave into the kiss and tangled your fingers into his soft blue/purple hair. This wasn't the first time you had messed with his hair, the two of you would sit under a tree on campus and you would run your hands through his hair while he laid his head on your lap, so you did one of the little things that drove him wild and ran your fingers on his horns. He knew what you were doing and groaned into the kiss. You felt a small victory at that and felt his hand slowly slide to the exposed skin on your side as he started to trace little circles on your s/c skin. Slowly the kiss added more heat, he pulled you closer to his chest and his hand made its way up your shirt to your breast. You found yourself removing his jacket and t-shirt, only breaking the kiss for as short as possible before he pulled you into another sweet kiss. Soon you felt something warm and wet glide across your bottom lip, his tongue, you teasingly denied him entrance. You heard him quietly growl and felt the rumble through his chest as he squeezed your side making you squeak in surprise. As soon as your lips parted he slid his tongue into your mouth, you both wrestled for a while but he won and explored his new territory while hearing little moans from you. When he felt like he needed more he moved down you the exposed skin on your neck, but not before playfully biting your bottom lip with his fangs, declaring his dominance. He started giving your neck rough kisses, looking for your sweet spot. Once he found it he kissed/sucked/bit the spot until there was a large, dark purple-blue-black mark. Then leaned back and admired his work.
You said still dazed
"Oh I love it when you say my name~"
He purred into your ear licking the shell of your ear
", stop... Mike could be back any, any, an-mmmm~"
"So? What's wrong with that?"
He asked moving down to your collar bone
"James, I'm half naked and so are you"
You said running your hands over his toned chest and abdomen
"Oh you know you love it baby~"
He said as he moved his large hand to the back of your neck and pulled your lips to his once again. Just before your lips connected the door burst open revealing an angry Mike.
"Sullivan you took my- AAAHHH"
At that moment Mike burst through the door obviously attempting to get something back from Sulley. The room became filled with shouts, Mike still in shock, you blushing red pressing yourself to Sulleys chest at an attempt to hide your bare torso, Sulley shielding you from Mikes view with his body and holding you tightly to his body.
"oh my god!!"
"What are you doing!?!"
"Oh my gosh you two were going to have-"
Once his shock wore if he ran out the door and slammed it shut
"Well...I did tell you Mike could come any moment"
You said pulling away from him for a moment to slip his giant shirt over your head where it hung loosely over your body.
"Well he did ruin the moment"
James said with a disappointed look in his handsome face. You got off his lap and laid on the far side of the bed, patting the space next to you for him to lay down in.
"Come here Big Blue we can still cuddle"
A smirk made its way to his slightly swollen lips as he laid down and pulled you to his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist he kisses your forehead
"You know I was kinda hoping you would call me 'Big Blue' tonight darling~"
He purred in your ear before burring his face in the crook of your neck taking in your wonderful sent and soft skin
"What do- *gasp* James P. Sullivan!! How dare you say that?! What would your mother say?"
You say playfully hitting his broad shoulders. He only chuckled in response and nuzzled your neck with this face. A few minutes passed with you two comfortably holding each other in silence before he let out a relaxed sigh.
"This is nice"
He said as he made his fingers slowly walk on your chest and collar bones like a little person would. You were so relaxed already you just 'mhmmm' ed, to lazy to even use words. You felt your eye lids grow extremely heavy with every time he took a breath and his chest moved against yours, the way his fingertips danced across your skin, the way his soft blue and purple hair brushed against your face and jaw, and overall being engulfed in the smell of him. Your sense of smell was always the strongest of your senses since it had the most influence on how you interpreted and remembered things.
You could tell Sulley was getting tired fast too. His breathing changed to slower, deeper breaths, and he now rested his large hand on your collar bone and lower part of your neck, where he stroked the skin softly with his thumb.
"I love you, Y/n"
He whispered
"I love you too...Big Blue"
You said and felt him weakly chuckle before he fell asleep, arms still tangled around you. You were falling in and out of consciousness as well and mumbled one last thing before you couldn't help but let sleep take you over.
"I love you too, Big Blue"

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