Chapter 26

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Feather After // Chapter 26 // Loved And Happy

Aria's POV 

"Start speaking," Rachel looked at me while she tapped her feet on the ground while waiting for me to open my mouth. I opened my mouth to say something but then, I closed it again.

There were millions of words in the English vocabulary but none spilled from my mouth. She kept looking at me and when she had enough, she said, "come on spill. Tell me what's wrong. I might be able to help you with the little problem of yours, who knows!? So tell me, I'm listening. Maybe God sent me here to listen to you," she said dramatically when she raised her hands up in the air. She closed her eyes and then opened them again.

"I-I-" I tried my best to speak, to tell her how I felt. I wanted her to feel the pain I was going through everyday because apparently, that's how things were supposed to be because life wasn't fair and there was no way by which the world would be equal.

Here and there and everywhere else in the world, one would always to the sufferer and the other, conquer. That's how it was. No matter what people said or did, life wouldn't be fair to everyone and it was a fact which couldn't be denied. No matter how many nonprofit organizations were stabilized there would always be pain in the world because the society that we lived in fed on anger and destruction caused by the people.

"What I?" Rachel asked and looked at her watch. I guess, the break was almost over and we had to attend three more periods before going home.

"There is nothing you want to know, really. Stay out of it, it'll help you, you'll do good for yourself," I turned around to walk in the opposite direction. I didn't mean to sound harsh, but my problems weren't her tension, her life was less chaotic than mine and I didn't pressurize her and burden her with my problems. There was something I had realized over time, that my problems had no solutions and sometimes that solution is the best solution. All my problems didn't need solutions something going through the problem was the one and only solution.

"You know what Aria, for the first time I entered in the class, you were the only one who took the pain and smiled at me. I know you're nice, man. Even when you smile like a goofball, your eyes don't shine. I know there is something troubling you and maybe you'll find an answer if you share your troubles with me, and even if there is no answer to your problem, you'll feel less burdened if you'll tell me what is wrong with you, and if you think I'll tell someone about it, let me tell you, I'm new in this school. The only person I know in this school is you, and I promise, I'm not even interested in any of those brats because all they do and think is that they know everything about everyone but the truth is they don't know anything about themselves."

I really appreciated her being in my life and lending not even lending but forcing her ears on me, because she wanted to know what was wrong with me, I still have had enough. I mean, I totally got it that she believed that everything good could happen to her but still, at least she could just stay away from me, but she chose not to. I turned around and looked in her eyes they were filled with determination and hope. With her hands wrapped on her chest she looked at me, maybe she didn't expect me to turn around and look at her.

"Do you really want to know what's wrong with me? Well, here you go, I'm seventeen, I like this guy but he has a girlfriend but he still keeps giving me mixed signals and for the record, my parents have fixed my marriage with some guy whom I'll be married to by the end of this year! Now tell me a solution! Do you have one, because from what I remember you were very keen and sure that you had one!?" I walked towards her and looked in her eyes. She hadn't crossed her boundaries, I know she was trying to help me but you only extend your hand to someone who needed it and I clearly did not need any help.

She gulped and looked at me I knew she did not have a solution or any answers. Within seconds she walked and grasped me in a tight hug. She buried her head on my shoulder and tightened her grip around my waist. I heard her sob and she snuggled into me. "I'm so sorry, that you have to go through so much!" I swear, I tried not to cry but then my tear glands gave away and tears started pouring down my face. I hugged her and for the first time, I felt that somebody was with me because of who I was and not because she needed something from me.

She gave me something that even money could not give me and that was love, honesty, and happiness. She made me feel like I finally belonged here and that I wasn't just someone who had to just survive. I felt loved and happy. She soon pulled me away and wiped her tears, she started waving her palm on her face and looked at me and said, "you got me all emotional girl."

She wiped her tears then said again, "well, I don't have an answer to your solution but I can tell you one thing that you're not alone from today and I'll be by your side through this and we'll choose the hottest guy with the most amazing muscles for you because I'm here for you now. We'll go through this together!" She waved her hands up in the sky and stuck her tongue out at me when I looked at the watch it was time for detention. Rachel and I exchanged our numbers and we promised to keep in touch with each other. I waved at her and she waved back and we turned around for different ways. Well, for the first time I felt that life wasn't that unfair. As I walked towards the library for detention I wasn't unhappy because I couldn't ever be happy, I was happy that I finally had someone with me even if I was replaceable.

MTTBB got ranked #36 in romance, Thankyou for that!

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