03: hold on

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The four continuously ran, sweat was dripping down their chests as their breathing rate increased. They hadn't noticed when they'd entered a forest with everlasting, dark green trees. It was so dense; even the most illuminant sunlight couldn't make its way through.

They were confused, no doubt.

The boys finally settled near a couple of bushes, struggling to get their breath back.

"I could sure use some water," Suho coughed.

"Me, too," Sehun agreed.

Chanyeol looked around, "Look, there's a log cabin."

The boys silently made their way over to it, hoping to find some water. The cottage occupied an average space. At first sight, it looked quite comfortable for a random cabin in the middle of the woods. There was one door, two windows, and a platform surrounding it, containing many spider webs.

When they gained closer, Kyunsoo noticed something written on the door. He read out loud, grimacing, "Keep out."

Suho was hesitant. However, the rest of the boys figured they had nothing to lose.

Upon entering, the cabin seemed way bigger than it did at first glimpse. It was quiet. The boys roamed around, searching the wooden cabinets.

Kyungsoo was the first to notice something out of the ordinary - quite disturbing.

A body. Dead, bloody.

A tap on the window. More.

Kyungsoo whispered, "Guys, don't move."

Their shoes creaked along the floorboards; the sound of their breathing occupied the room. All of them froze.

Kyunsoo closed his eyes. When he opened them, there was a note written on the wall, along with a gun on the floor. Without notice, he grabbed it.


Kyungsoo found himself to be still. He closed his eyes again. When he opened them, he screamed.


The boys were caught off guard. They started running, wherever their feet took them, rushing out the door. It slammed behind them.

There was someone or something behind them.

"We're being chased?!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

Kyungsoo nodded, "Sorry for not sugar coating it,"He said, out of breath. He raised the gun in his hands and hid behind a bush. "Come out and fight!" Kyungsoo yelled and firmly grasped the gun.

"Kyungsoo, are you crazy?" Sehun exclaimed silently from the branch of the tree he'd already climbed, Chanyeol along with him.

"Apparently," Kyungsoo mumbled. He looked around. Nothing.

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