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"I want you to sign a contract for me", he said and I raised my eyebrow at his unexpected demand. Contract?

"For?", I asked in confusion as he typed in the code and unlocked his expensive black leather briefcase, taking out a large envelope.

"This contract states that whatever happens between us, we can never be together", he explained in his thick intimidating Italian accent and I nodded my head. That's when a question popped into my mind which I should have not probably asked. But my big mouth never shuts up.

"But what if we fall in love or we start getting used to each other's presence?", I asked and he suddenly stared up from the contract which now lied neatly in front of me on the coffee table with a pen. At first, he gave me a blank expression but then, he shook his head in disapproval with a smirk.

"That's not possible Miss Hemsworth, cause you are not my type", he said and my mouth dropped open at his rude behavior. As if I would want to live with a rich but hot asshole like him.

"Your not my type either", I mumbled back with a small glare in his direction, trying to recover my dignity which he just stepped on with that statement of his.

Quickly leaning forward on the sofa, I grabbed the pen with sweaty hands, bringing the contract up on my lap.

I was about to sign it when he stopped me,"Don't you want to read it first?", he asked and I shook my head in refusal, which answered his question.

"As if I have a choice", I whispered with annoyance and then closed my eyes to calm myself and think about the multiple reasons I was about to do this. Right, I was doing it for my life and my younger sister Kaitlyn. I was jumping in this well of misery to save my angel.

I sighed and looked down, turning to the last page of the contract where I was supposed to sign. After I did, I handed it back to Mr uptight. I called him this name because I found his sexy Italian name hard to pronounce.

He gave me a professional smile and stood up from the sofa, making me follow his action. He waited with his hands in his pocket until I was standing in front of him and waiting for what was about to happen. He slowly pulled his right hand out of his pant's pocket and raised it towards me for a hand shake.

"Benvenuto nel mio mondo", he said in a weird language, leaving me standing there like a fool, trying to understand what he just said. Damn him for knowing languages other than English!

"Welcome to my world", he clarified with a professional voice which could scare anybody, but not me. I nodded my head in silence and freed my hand, turning to where I was sitting and grabbed my purse.

I was about to leave the room when his voice stopped me,"Where are you going?", he asked sternly and I pointed towards the door.

"I was about to go to my house", I informed him and turned to leave but he caught my wrist and backed me up against the door, making me feel uncomfortable at how close he was standing to me right now.

"Can I please have some personal space?", I asked with irritation and he chuckled in low tone, his chest vibrating against mine, making me feel weird.

"From now on, my world is your home", he said with a pinch of authority in his sentence. Oh boy! What have I gotten myself into?

Hey guys!

So I have already been writing 'Don't love me' and its been doing well. If you can, please do read it, comment and vote for its chapters.

I had already planned for a billionaire book so I thought why don't I give you all a sneak peek of how is it going to be. I hope you liked this prologue.

If you did, please comment and vote for this prologue by pressing the small star button. I will publish it according to the amount of response this prologue is going to get. So vote for it if you want it to be a story.

Thanks and love you all❤️

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