Part 4

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"What's wrong?" He asked

"Oh haha nothing I just got scared by something" you said sarcastically but you were frightened

Tae looks at me smiling then he holds my waist, I then hugged him and smiled because he's so nice to me and he's the only one who'll protect me, he's not like those other two perverts out there

"Here let me show you to your room" he said holding your hand walking out the his room

As we were talking to my room I hid behind Tae to make sure they wouldn't get to me, I looked around and saw no one "they probably went to sleep already" you said quietly walking with Tae

We made it the guest room/your room and as we were walking up to the door we saw a door open from the side and it was jimin wiping his wet hair and wearing a white tank top and boxers

I looked away from him because he's literally half naked

"Ahh hello Y/N I guess your my next door neighbor haha" he said still wiping his wet hair smirking

I then looked at him with my death stare then rolled my eye in annoyance

"Jimin you better not do anything to Y/N" tae said to Jimin serious

"Yeah, yeah I know I won't" he said "well goodnight you two" he said to me and Tae and as soon he turned around he smirked and winked at me before He closed his door

Tae then brings you in the room and shows you the bathroom "thank you Tae" you said to him softly "you're welcome, but goodnight, sleep well see you tomorrow morning" he said then kissed you on your forehead smiling "okay goodnight~~" you said to him back

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