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Thanks to everybody that signed up! I'm working the first chapter now. Even though everybody couldn't get a part, I might still put you guys in the book as other people. If you other jiggers (Lol) want to have a part, then comment in the previous chapter. Oh, and I need a nosey bitch and a Mrs. Dura (his wife)-nobody signed up for those parts. Soo, here's the new characters.

mbswaggboo143- Kaylyn Johansson (Roc's GF)

ObsessedWithProd- Josephine Acharya (Prod's GF)

colormetae_- Branna Thompson (Ray's GF)

versace_queen- Teon Achike (Prince's GF)

UnknownNigga-Julez August (Roc's little sister)

P.S- I could use a co-writer, too.

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