Chapter 1: Pull-out Game

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[i wrote this when I was 14. I am so sorry lmfao- I've retouched it to make it readable despite the cringe but it's still pretty rough lol. After chapter 10 it's all new writing so Godspeed if u even make it that far I don't blame u if u don't]

"My Lady."

The monotonous feminine voice broke my train of thought and I lifted my head from where I was anxiously staring at my phone to the girl sitting across from me. She wore a maid outfit, clad in black and white frills to match the gloves over her crossed hands as she bowed her head respectfully.

"It seems we have arrived," she said.

As if on cue, the vehicle we rode in slowed to a stop. The humming of the engine mellowed and after a few quiet moments, the car door to my right opened and a large hand was held out to me. I placed my own atop it, accepting the offer.

"Thanks, Cap," I said, giving the tall, white-haired man a grateful smile. He nodded as I moved from the pristine leather seat and stepped out of the shiny black car.

My foot hadn't even hit the pavement before I took a sharp inhale at the sight in front of me. The gate was just ahead. It was tall and black and strangely rusty. Above it, in big and bold red letters, read the words 'FAIRY TAIL ACADEMY'.

Well, damn!

This gate is huge... I thought for sure this school wasn't well funded?

The very instant my shoe made contact with the ground, the phone in my palm chimed with a 'ding!' and I knew it was from Levy.

Levy McGarden and I formally met online via the school's website about six months ago. She was part of what the school called the "Welcome Committee." I wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but at first glance it sounded like some whipped up crew to make the school seem more... I don't know, prestigious?

Probably could've fooled my father. Well, I suppose it did.


Levy had explained how the classes and other stuff would work at Fairy Tail through email, later giving me her phone number in case I needed an easier contact point. I'd briefly mentioned my passion for writing in a text I sent her once, and we basically hit it off from there. You could say she a close friend. Probably my best, actually.

So, not to sound totally lame, but I was really looking forward to that cute 'I meet my online bestie for the first time' moment.

I let go of Cap's hand and moved to the side to let the maid out behind me. Then, I read Levy's text.

<< [Ok we're coming hold on]


The hell?

[Wdym "we"?] >>

It's not that I was famous, per se. Sort of. I just didn't want any ties to my lovely Daddy-O back at home. Jude Heartfilia wasn't exactly known for his kindness– I can't tell you how many people would love to destroy the not-so-hard fought empire he's built simply out of revenge or for racking up that much wealth unfairly.

And, here I go sounding cliché again, but I was getting tired of fake friends that only valued me for his money.

Lost in thought, as well as internally stressing, my maid pulled all five of my suitcases out of the trunk and placed them beside me. Yes, I did say five... Plus a couple o' duffel bags... In case it wasn't obvious, ya girl has a bit of a shopping problem...

But, hah! Talk about strong pull-out game.

Okay, that one was bad... Sorry.....

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