Chapter 20

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For some reason, I stopped living the moment she was no longer with me, the moment I found out that she died, I was no longer alive.

*Jake's pnt. of view*

I laid on the floor for what felt like hours, afraid to make any movement that could worsen the raging pain.

My entire being was being ransacked with agonizing pain at each of my heartbeats. Any other time I would've dealt with the pain, but this time it was more than physical, it was mental and emotional.

I was taken by surprised by my dad's anger, and I admit it's partially my fault for lashing out and not being able to keep my opinions to myself.

But that didn't make a difference he was still my dad, I know that he hardly spent time with me, and he hasn't been around much when I needed him, but I never expected him to put his hands on me.

Not only that, I let my feelings get the best of me.

And all for what? A girl. A girl that wouldn't even give me a second glance. A girl that would rather risk her life to get away from me. A girl that took after her mother. Jade.

All because of Jade.

The other thing that hurt the most was that once she was safe and sound, she was gonna go back to Dean, the one that actually risked her life by making her fall for him, cause I know Daphne would've hurt Jade pretty bad for Dean.

Dean. I was gonna kill that son of a bitch. In fact, no. I'm gonna kill him, and I'll do it just so Jade will learn to not mess with me.

My sudden anger and hatred towards Dean gave me this strength and I managed to push myself up, and walked out heading towards my goal.

I didn't care that I was limping, nor did I care that my body was screaming for me to stop and let it heal. I wasn't going to rest, not until Dean had breathed his last breath.

I called up my friend and met up with him back where I held Jade hostage.

When I walked in, I found Dean strapped to a chair and knocked out cold. I looked over at my partner in crime with a questioning face and he smiled and said "He was putting up a fight."

Nodding my head in comprehension, I handed the guy his ransom, and he left without another word.

I then headed to the kitchen and filled a bucket up with water, when I walked back to Dean threw it in his face making him jump back into consciousness.

He seem baffled for a moment before he seemed to remember the situation he was in, and that's when his eyes snapped to me.

"You? The fuck do you want? Heck I don't even care about that, where's Jade? What did you do with her?" He started lashing out, and I didn't hold back when my fist connected with his nose, leaving a sickening Crack to sound in the air. I then sent in another punch which connected to his jaw.

All the while yelling "Shut the fuck up!"

His head snapped back and he seemed dizzy for a second before he looked at me, and spit his bloody saliva in my face.

I smiled At him, and wiped his spit off my face, then I sat down facing him, and I pulled out my phone recording his degrading state.

"You see what you made me do Jade? Here's your boyfriend now at my mercy, and all because you couldn't move on from him and be with me. The one that could give you all you want, need, and more. So now I'm gonna show you what happens when I'm displeased."
"You're a sick bastard." replied Dean."
I chuckled shaking my head while I said "tell me something I don't know."

I placed the phone on the table, at an angle where it will record everything, then I got up, and retrieved my hand gun.

Once I was ready, I placed my self face to face with Dean, by placing and pressing my foot on his injured thigh that has yet to heal all the way. He winced and hissed in pain refusing to scream, and I pressed harder, wanting him to howl in pain.

He locked his jaw in teeth and closed his eyes tight, and I could tell he was trying to hold back his cry, but I wanted him to scream, I wanted Jade to feel his pain through his scream, so I pulled back and shot a bullet in the exact place where I stabbed him, and that's when he screamed.

It was filled with pain, anger, and agony, but most of all it was pure bliss, and music to my ears. I smiled satisfied with his pain, then I walked behind him and placed the gun at the back of his head, and he froze.

I then placed my finger on trigger ready to pull it at any sudden movement. I prepared myself to be the happiest man on earth and then...

*Third person's pnt. of view*

Lucas and the rest of Tyler's men arrived at the warehouse, where they were instructed to sit the women down, and strap each of them to a chair, and to wait on Tyler to arrive.

Just as they were about to lift Sarah up, Lucas noticed something to unusual about Sarah, and he thought that Tyler never mentioned anything about her being pregnant, but either way Lucas thought to be cautious so he instructed "careful, place her down gently." And the men did so without asking questions.

When it came to Jade, Lucas carried her himself, and sat her down gently, being careful to not hurt her even more.

Both women have lost a lot of blood, and they were both weak, so Lucas didn't think twice before asking some of the men to clean their wounds. Throughout the cleaning procedure Sarah woke up, and soon after Jade woke up also.

The moment Lucas saw her eyes his heart skipped a beat, something that hasn't happened since his ex wife, Marley.

Even though she wasn't in the best of shapes, Lucas found himself attracted to this fragile beauty.

But as soon as she started panicking, Lucas snapped out of his trance, then ordered for the men to give the girls food and water before Tyler arrived, then Lucas turned his back, and left the men to tend to the girls, all the while contemplating what was happening with him.


Hey guys!

A double update!!! 🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉

Well, we're back to the cliffhangers!

What do you think about the way Jake is treating Dean?

Do you think Jake kills Dean?

And what about Lucas? Do you think something might spark in Between Lucas and Jade?

What about Sarah who is now showing a visible pregnancy bump?

Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, AND SHARING.

Lots of ❤ ❤ ❤


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