Your First Fight/Breakup

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Draco Malfoy:
"Leave me alone!"you shouted at Draco as you tried to catch up with Hermione and Harry and Ron.
"No (y/n)! Calm down and listen to me!"he shouted at you as he grabbed your wrist and spun you towards him.
"What do you want?!"you spat.
"Why are you acting like this?!"
"I don't know,maybe because you were sucking faces with Pansy!" You tried to yank your arm from him but you couldn't.
"I didn't want to,she came on to me!"
"Yeah right!"you tried to yank away again but he was holding on too tight.
"I swear.Merlins beard! Calm down!"
People were staring now.And Harry, Ron and Hermione were making their way towards you.
"You've always had a thing for Pansy.
So why don't you let go of me and go suck on her face again.You want her?! Go freaking get her.Its over!"
Draco was shocked as he loosened his grip and you ran towards the Golden Trio with tears threatening to spill.
You knew it would happen from the day you said yes.

-Harry Potter:
"Harry,I don't want you to get hurt!"
"(Y/n), I'll be fine.Trust me."
"People have died from this!"
Harry got entered into the Triwizard tournament and you were scared to death he would get hurt or killed.
"Look.Im gonna do it,ok?"
You frowned.
"I don't want to lose you."
"I don't want to lose you either,I'll be fine though."
"You don't know that."
"Yes I do.And even if I get hurt I'll probably be better in no time with Madam Promfery(idk if that's how you spell it.I sowwy...)"
"No, (y/n).Im doing it and that's final."
"I don't want my boyfriend going in there and getting hurt."
"Well maybe I don't need to be your boyfriend."Harry didn't mean it though, and he regretted saying it as soon as the words left his mouth.
"You're right."you said coldly, even though you didn't mean it either.
You walked away, ignoring the calls of your name from Harry.

-Ron Weasley:
You didn't fight, you thought it was pointless to argue.

-Fred Weasley:
"You stole my Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans!"you shouted,searching through all of his things to find them.
"I ate them."
"You did what?!"you said in a deadly tone.He gulped knowing he was in trouble.You only sound like that when you're mad and he's in trouble.
"I-I'll buy you more!I swear!"
You glared at him and gave him the silent treatment.
He sighed,knowing that he was getting the silent treatment.
"Four packs?"
"Oh Merlin, it's gonna be a long two weeks."he muttered to himself as you silently walked out of the Gryffindor common room.

-George Weasley:
You didn't want to break up with him, but your dad didn't want you dating George.And you dad threatened to give him detention for the rest of the year unless you broke up with him.
"George,I'm sorry...."
"I don't care! I will take detention for three years if it means I get to stay with you!"
You wanted to cry.
"George.We Cant be together anymore.
I'm truly sorry."
You tried you best to not cry as you walked away...George tearing up as well.

-Neville Longbottom:
You didn't fight,you two know it's pointless to fight.Plus you loved each other and knew each other too well.

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