21.07.16 midday

18 3 1

Time for breakfast:
Im just making some eat and see something behind the couch i lokked and ..... Nothing ! Than i saw it again looked again and ....... What i see that jofi is come in to my house 😊
I asked her friendly: how do u come in my house?? She told me she took my old key to come in here she wanted cook gor me as suprise i liked that so i said ofcourse yes 💕 later she was gone i was sitting on the couch and looking on my phone 😬 what i did see were 39 messages from rugge 😒 oops😒 i didnt answered them and walkes in my room it was so cold ❄️ later i walked whit rocky on rhe beach🐶 was verry nice but SOOOO COLD . When i went to home i was working on my videos and modelling ........ Ready for tonight ❤️❤️ later i writed something on insta eated a apple and sleeped a bit because is was not abnormal tired 😬 now im writing this story and wrote with Carolin (also family :sis) now im verry tired and have head ache guys maybe in a few min/hours come more of my day

 Ready for tonight ❤️❤️  later i writed something on insta eated a apple and sleeped a bit because is was not abnormal tired 😬 now im writing this story and wrote with Carolin (also family :sis) now im verry tired and have head ache guys maybe in...

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Now i go talk a bit to caro and than cook and sleep 💋 goodnight if u not more write❤️

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