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'There is dogs running everywhere, and I don't know where to go..' Runningclaw thought as he and his sister ran for their lives.

"What about your kits, Runningclaw?" His sister, Snowpelt, asked starting to slow down.

"They'll be fine. They're with their mother in the house safe." Runningclaw climbed up a tree, helping Snowpelt up. 

Runningclaw looked at all the bite marks, scars, claw marks, and blood covering them both. He looked down at the dogs and hissed. 

"Runningclaw, we won't get out of this..will we?" Snowpelt asked as her whole body shakes.

"We will. Hey look! Another tree in jumping distance!" Runningclaw meowed happily getting ready to jump.

"Wait, I'll jump first. After all, I was always the more athletic one." Snowpelt said as she got into the jumping position, jumping easily to the other tree. "Come on!" She yelled back to him.

"I'm coming!" He jumped but missed the branch. His claws were on it, holding him there. 

"Help! I'm going to fall! Snowpelt, please help me!" Runningclaw looked up at her, eyes full of fear.

"Well I guess that's a shame, huh? You shouldn't have gotten into this mess.." Snowpelt bends over to grab the scruff of his neck to pull him up, but he falls after.

"Snowpelt! Why?!" He yelps as he fell to the ground dogs all around him. 

"I d-didn't m-mean to..what have I done..I must go tell the clan..there's no way to save him.." she mumbled to herself, hopping trees to get back to Windclan. 

Back  to where the dogs are, Runningclaw lays there his legs unable to move. 

"Rosepetal..Wolf..Tiger..Lion.." Were his last words, he fell into darkness. 

As he woke up, he realized everything was sparkles and outlines. He most definitely wasn't on Earth anymore. 'Starclan that's where I am at! I made it, not Dark Forest!' He ran around Starclan's plain area, making it feel like Windclan again. He looked at the cats he was passing by they were kits, apprentices, warriors, elders, and ancient warriors. 

"Welcome to Starclan, Runningclaw. We have been waiting to show you your new nest. If you would follow me." A kit said, as she flicked her tail signaling to follow. 

"Thank you- wait, why are you showing me to my nest? You're a kit!" Runningclaw finally realized.

"Starclan has different rules than the real clans. Kits who stay here take on the roles of apprentice and warriors sense we never really grow up. Really, it is a case of being fair to everyone. We treat everyone up here as if they are in a clan still. Anyways, you'll be meeting Star, the leader of Starclan. And here is your bed." The kit mewed calmly and mature. 

"Thank you, when will I be meeting Star?" He asked, as he started to pad down the bed. 

"About...right now?" The Kit said, walking off, her place taken by a tall, tanish-yellow cat. Star.

"Hello, Runningclaw. Hard getting used to Starclan?" She asked.

"It may take a while to get used to, but it's very pretty and everyone is so nice." Runningclaw mewed, looking at the cats who were sharing prey with each-other. 

"Anyways, follow me. I have something to show you." Star said as she runs off. 

"Uhm, okay!" Runningclaw follows her to this pool-like area.

"Look in the water, what do you see?" Star mewed.

Runningclaw looked into the water, his eyes widen. 

"My Family! Wolf, Tiger, Lion, and Rosepetal! I miss them so much..." Runningclaw couldn't stop watching his kits play-fight and his mate give them tips on fighting. 

"This is where you can watch your kits grow, soon maybe a prophesy will come  to one of the kits."

Star flicked her tail and told him it is time to go. They walked back to the clan area and everyone was gathered around him, awaiting stories he could tell. He told them several stories that surprised some. 

Star watched, smiling, she turned to her den and lays down. 'He'll be fine here, I know it.' She falls asleep.


// Well that sucked, I need to learn to write better. Well, I hope you enjoyed my terrible story. :D

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