Chapter 1

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"Wolf, get up! Mom says we can play outside!" A male kits voice yelled in his ear. Wolf yawned and sat up, sniffing the air. He opened his eyes to see his brother, Lion, and his sister, Tiger. 

"Did you guys HAVE to wake me up this early? I mean, I barely slept because of Lion snoring and kicking me in his sleep." Wolf snapped at Lion who licked his chest fur in embarrassment. 

"Well Lion was just excited about going outside. He hasn't seen the backyard yet, remember? He had to go to the vet to heal from his injuries." Tiger meowed, her eyes wondering to the front door. Their owner just left. 

"Ugh, it's boring out there. We can't climb the fence to see beyond it. I feel..too caged in." Wolf went on, laying on his back.

"It does feel like that, but it's outside. Better from being locked in this small place, right?" Tiger added to her brother's sentence.

She was right, the house was pretty small. There was only one story, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, a small living room, and a little backyard. Once you get used to it; it's kind of like being in a closet. But outside was better, it was open enough to run around, and to smell the fresh scents. Though, Wolf and Tiger always dreamed of going outside the enclosed backyard. His mother told them the stories about the great warriors that lived beyond the fence. His father was one of them. Wolf was excited about meeting him, he couldn't wait to climb the wooden posts that held him in this area. 

"Hmm..fine we can go now! I have an idea, Tiger. Come by the red bush and I'll tell you. " Wolf meowed to his sister.

The kits rushed outside, their mother following close behind. She went to a tree, climbed it, and laid on a branch. Tiger padded over to Wolf, her ear twitching because of the sounds of cars on the road in front of the house.

"Okay, we're going to climb the fence. Here's what we do, we climb that middle plank and hop to the broken-" Wolf was cut off.

"Or we could dig under the fence? It's way easier." Tiger looked at her brother with a 'seriously' face.

"Yeah, we can do that."

The two kits dug under the fence, Wolf was the first to climb under. As Tiger squeezed through, her mother saw. 

"KITS WHERE ARE YOU GOING? IT'S DANGEROUS!" She yelled, quickly climbing down the tree. Lion followed behind her.

"We're going to the forest, mama! We'll come see you when we are stronger! Don't worry about us, we'll be fine!" Tiger yelled to her mother, she turned to Wolf, nodding that it was time to go into the tree covered land.

 "You going too?" Their mother asked Lion, who just looked up at her for a moment.

"I wasn't planning to yet.." 


"Why did you let them go, Ma?" 

"Because I can't choose their destiny..only they can."


Authors Note: 

Just gonna leave you off there! I am too lazy to write more for this chapter to be honest.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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