my life :)

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my life part one

well lets start from when i was i was little:

i used to stay with my mam when i was little , we lived in cyprus we my nanna , grandad it was good little life there went swimming , hade mates it was sweet life i wanted live there all my life but that wosent going come true , me and my mam went live in england , i was about 9 , so we got nice little house , i went to school met my brother for first time , seen my dad life was getting on track again so 1 year later , i was 10 my mam said i was going see my cousin for the day

so i got change , give her kiss hug . so me and my cousin went out something felt wrong , so we went back to his house seen two of my anties up set something was wrong , they said they had bad news i was like whats going on, they said that my mam died in a fire i was hart broken couldent sleep or eat .

well couple of years later i was liveing with my dad everything was getting back to normal i was going into year 7 i was really sceard , so it was my first day , i met loads new friends i bet my new best friend hannah she lived next door to me we slept over each overs house and did everything togther , and then couple years later i was 12 got some news that i was moveing , i was bit up set because i wosent going see my friends all the time, so we move into my new house , i was haveing a look around i seen this guy called roan , he said hey are you new round here i said yes , so he showed be around.

he ask for my number.

well couple more years later 13 years old ,  i met this new girl who move into the village called abbey, we came best friend just like that we are all ways out she is so special,

one day me and roan where out we where so cloes and i really like him , we where talking he look at me said you are the girl off my dreams he kiss me and he was my man off my dreams so  we where going out .

now i am in year 10 now life is good  everything has change over years i have meet they guy off my dreams life now is perfct.  i have best friends , people say i am nice person who never bullys and i would never bully anyone its so wrong .     

                                            so this is my life what yours

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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