hey its tara

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hey everyone😗 it's Tara and I'm really bored so I asked Bella if I can just type something I don't know why I changed my mind but I think I'm addicted to this app I seriously have a problem but right now I'm having fun with Bella just letting her enjoy herself on her day. No I'm not jealous how did you get that idea?! Ok maybe I am because when it's my birthday my parents never let me do anything fun they just let me stay home and they celebrate with me they never allow me to invite anyone to my birthday party I don't think they understand the fact that I'm 16 and I think I can do things on my own I may not seem mature but no one knows how I am on the inside just like when I was in 2nd grade and Bella wasn't in my class it was hard without her because she would always stick up for me whenever someone has something to say about me just like when I was in 7th grade I had my first boyfriend and he was super nice to me but everyone kept telling me that he cheated on me and I found out it was true because I saw him kissing another girl at his own locker I was really disgusting I just ran off into the bathroom if Bella was there at the time she would have slapped some sense into him that's what she said when I told her It's really really really weird to see that Bella has never had a boyfriend in her whole entire life sometimes I just think that she just worries about the pros of cons of having one but I have a lot of other things to say about her but I think I should be talking about myself for once all I do is talk about other people when I don't even think about myself that's how I know that I'm not selfish but that's all I have to say so bye I guess...um

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