How it could have been

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"Hey it's ok flea.... It's not your fault ok? Be strong ok. Don't you dare go  spiraling back down." Shizuo said calmly.

There they sat in the rather large bathroom. Shizuo cleaned the scratched up wounds and put new bandages over them. Their cabinets seemed to be full of medical supply's thanks to Shinra. It had only been a day since they went to the mall. Shizuo helped Izaya to stand. The flea leaned into Shizuo hugging him hiding his face in the chest of his human. He cried silently. Shizuo looked down putting a arm around him gently holding him close.

"It's alright. They really aren't so bad. And well I would never think those things of you Izaya." Shizuo said resting his head on Izayas. "Why don't we make some soup again. Or would you rather go to sleep.

"I'm not hungry Shizuo. I rather go to sleep and not wake up again." Izaya mumbled looking up his eyes widened to see Shizuo's angry face.

"I'm not going to sugar coat this. Your going to eat before you relapse and slip into a coma or some other shit. Because I can see and feel almost ever bone in your body. Ok? No more Izaya. Your upset. I can sympathize with that. But I'm not going to sit by and let you harm yourself." Shizuo said angrily pulling Izaya along.

He put the flea down on the couch and threw a white shirt they got at the mall. It had some vocaloids on it. Izayas face was a little red but he put it on tiredly anyways then lay down. His back towards the window. He feels his eyes get heavy as sleep slowly slipped in. His body to tired to get up. Shizuo walked back with the peanut butter jar and a spoon. He sighed seeing Izaya asleep again.

"Come on Izaya time to get up. Hey? Can you hear me?" Shizuo shook Izaya gently only to get a low growl. "Haha there you are. Come on. I'll put on a movie." Shizuo said happily sitting down as he helped Izaya sit up.

Izaya sat there in a daze for a moment. He put a hand to his chest as if to remove the dull ache that lingered there. His eyes half opened and noise ringing in his ears. He opened and closed his eyes a few times. Then looked at Shizuo's hands trying to figure out what he was holding. Shizuo dug the spoon deep in the peanut butter jar then held it out to Izaya who took a minute then took it. He licked it slowly like a child holding a lollipop. Shizuo smiled satisfied with his progress of the moment. He turned on the tv to their show. Shizuo was texting Shinra for the time being.

'Hey. You know we need to figure out a way for Izaya to eat. He stopped today. I think it's because of what happened but I don't want things to get worse you know. ' Shizuo texted.

Izaya dropped the empty spoon as he drifted back off to sleep. Shizuo looked down at the sleepy form at his side. He moved Izaya again. Shaking Izayas shoulder gently calling his name.

"S...shizu-chan let me sleep.... Please." Izaya groaned opening his eyes.

"No you need to stay awake I'm going to go make some soup." Shizuo said getting up at his phone vibrating in his pocket.

'Well if he hardly eats anything his energy is probably fading quickly. Just try to get him to eat a bowl of soup I'll be over in a hour.' Shinra texted

Shizuo began cooking soup as the apartment smelled of vegetables. A sweet smell that was warm and relaxing. Izaya lay oh his back his eyes half way open the apartment warm and cozy. Shizuo poured some soup in a bowel then walked back Izaya. He sighed looking down at his flea.

"Damnit Izaya come on you need to stay awake." Shizuo said sitting beside him on the table. "Izaya are you getting sick? Hey I'll feed you the soup if you can't seem to function." He sat down letting Izaya lean into him.

Izaya opened his tired eyes again. He looked at the soup in Shizuos lap. He yawned apologizing. Then forced himself to sit up. Loosing his breath he hugged his knees to his chest. He was shaking. His eyes looking down refusing to look at Shizuo. The blond sighed and put the bowl aside sitting beside Izaya.

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