Rinharu vs Makoharu (Free)

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Right so I really couldn't be all that bothered to include two different chapters for these pairings so I included it in one.

Okay so I ship this a lot, like a lot a lot. Mainly because my friend kinda pushed the ship on me (not complaining though). The funny thing with Free is that I ended up watching season 2 first so I didn't really understand everything (thank you very much Crunchyroll...) but I was unsure at first until that hotel scene.

After watching season one I released that it's clear Makoto has feelings for Haru, but it's kinda obvious that Haru is either oblivious or generally disinterested (I don't know why, Makoto is fucking hot af). I slightly ship Makoharu as its cute and I can see their relationship working much better than Rin and Haru's only because of their personalities but I still ship Rinharh due to the emotions behind it.

To conclude I'm sorta stuck in the middle, slightly leaning toward the Rinharu side of things. I don't think one ship is better than the other but I just generally think Rinharu is a better ship (my opinion).

Tell me do you agree? (You probably don't and I don't blame you)

Free is so gay omg it's great!

I react to ships- anime version Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt