Sorry I've been away for so long, I'm working on a series of poems called Old Friends I've Never Met. This is the first one, tell me what you think.
my name is Wanderlust
and I'm snorting lines of dust and smoke
off of your spinning tires
as you hurtle away from Everything
you've ever known
like red apples dropping from browning trees
and quited picnics
on a Golden autumn afternoon
with me riding Wild in the passenger seat
and you concentrated on the tortoiseshell
leather wheel
with a Fierce grin lighting your eyes.
I lean my head out of the window and scream
to the World that we are Young and Reckless
and Savage like Lightning
and that a Storm is coming
and your laughter sounds like Thunder over
the gentle asphalt hum.
I clamber into the back seat
careful not to tread upon your
hastily packed Memories
some of which have escaped their Confines
and lay scattered and Forgotten
like pennies among a handful of loose