Chapter 16

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This chapter Is dedicated to, KitDreamer12345 for being a number one fan of this book. I look forward to your comments and I love how you're yourself when you comment. You are one of my number one fans!

I walked to lunch; side by side. People have given us weird looks all day, but honestly I could care less. Their just jealous I got the boy, and they still ain't got the man. We walked Inside the lunch room and went to gather our lunches.


Asher and I looked to the side where the source of the person causing all the noise Is.

"Come here!"

Asher and I walked over to the black headed guy and I stood behind Asher.

"Whats up with matching outfits with this dweeb?" The guy asked.

"Laiken, this Is Elly. If anyone here Is a dweeb, It's you. So, If you don't mind me, me and Elly are gonna go grab some food. Oh and by the way, how are those steriods coming, you begged me to buy for you, remember?" Asher asked.

Laiken, as Asher said, Is a dweeb. I'm not a dweeb. I take Incredible offense to that.

"Don't mind him, hes a dick." Asher said.

"Okay." I said.

Asher and I gathered our things and went to sit with Scott and Hailand. On our way up to our table I heard the click, clack noise of tap shoes against the floor. I turned around to see Melby; (Melby Is a new character...).


I turned around to the Idiotic voice.

This girl has never acknowledged me, why now?

Melby has red hair, thats cut up In a bob, might I add, whoever did her hair high jacked It, 'cause It's screwed to the core. She Is short, with pudgy arms and legs.

Yes, I just called her fat.

"Why are you matching my man?!" Melbys nasally voice cut through the air.

Asher about died off a coughing fit.

"Your man?!" Asher screeched.

"Is over there..." He pointed to Charles.

Charles has a black beard (as black as oil), you can see the greasiness from over here. He Is tall and fat. He smells like old gym socks, and farts all day long. It's disturbing.

Melby scoffed and walked as fast as her pudgy legs could go away from us. Asher held his hand up and I gladly gave him a high five.

"You two...." Scott said.

"Are hilarious." Scott finished.

"Got that right." Asher said.

I walked to the science room to ask my teacher a few questions about the lesson that was taught today. When I walked Into the room, I came face to face; or I came face to face with nothing, while Melby came face with my hip.

"Watch It, slut." Melby cursed.

"Watch It, cunt." I said.

I know, I know. I shouldn't sink down to her level, but I really do need to put the bitch back In place.

"Listen here, Eliot. Asher Is my man." Melby said.

"Oh look, heres my cup of care. Oh god, It's empty." I said.

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