13 (Frightening) Facts about Myself! :3

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I was tagged by colbyarys  for this...        
Thanks Colbster! :'D
Oh by the way, you better take great joy from this! And since I take it as a challenge, I'm going to use some pretty weird facts about myself- you have been warned! :'D but it's pretty entertaining, kind of weird, but it'll be something else.
(Everyone who may read this have been warned, I'm sorry people I don't know, you may be haunted xD)
[WARNING: I had not edited this, or even read through it, and it's pretty late. So this may be really weird! All I can do it wish you good luck! :'D]

Now I guess for the rules;
Rule #1~ You must write the rules
Rule #2~ You have to write thirteen facts about yourself ;P
Rule #3~ It has to be finished within a week of nomination...or else 3:)
Rule #4~ It CAN'T be written in the comments, it must be in one of your books (i don't have any right now... So that's a little difficult to do..)
Rule #5~ After you have finished you have to tag fifteen people of your own.

Now, As a nominated Tribute, here I finally present to you... *drum roll* 13 (frightening) facts about myself!! {What you've probably been waiting for this whole time}

....(oh dear. I'm never going to be ready for this)

1). I can honestly be the most lazy person, I like to think of myself as the more outgoing and into gym and stuff and very healthy and sportive (I don't play any sports though xD) child of my family. But my laziness hits another level at times. As proof of that- One day I was standing in the grocery store, waiting for my mother to finish paying, I had my one foot in front of the back wheel of the cart I was holding, and as we went to walk to leave the store.. I had been to lazy to actually move my foot. So I rolled the cart right over it! (Either I was really lazy, or just really stupid)

2). (This one really weird- I actually can't think of it without laughing) When I first started dating, my significant other actually had to teach... TEACH me how to properly hug, and kiss. Oddly, I didn't seem to do it right. One time I actually managed passionately kiss his chin and didn't realized until I looked (not too passionately... Just a longer kiss)

3). I can't say I'm all sunshine and rainbows, this cute little shy, innocent girl as a lot of people see me as. Once I get annoyed I can become an actual monster.. Adult context is one I thing... Possibly pushing little girls down water slides they don't want to go down.. You know the usual ^-^

4). I can be very careless when it comes to myself getting hurt.. Like while playing soccer games in gym class I could very easily run up to someone and ram right into them, I'll get right in there to get the ball! (I guess it's the best way to get to touch them bodies, by ramming yourself carelessly into them :'D) it was to the point where I took out some guys legs and we both ended up doing sideways turns and landing on our stomachs. It was actually kind of fun!

5). Me head is a flashing target for balls. Moving or not moving, standing in the hall or outside, it just doesn't end!

6). I have five siblings, four of which are sisters and one brother, but you honestly couldn't tell, he's more like a sister...

7). I am a very friendly person, and I love random people!! People usually open up to me and tell me about their problems and feelings very quickly, I enjoy helping people as best I can.

8). I'm a people pleaser... D: I have a hard time saying no, because I like to see everyone happy..

9). I'm a band geek, I've been playing drums for nine years now, and violin for about five, with a one year break, music in general is very good for calming me.

10). I love video games! I love kicking butt! I'm strangely into story type games as well, and quick decision making. Like Tell Tale the walking dead. But I'm also in love with call of duty, Skyrim, GTA. Even though I suck at most of them xD

11). When talking to someone I like, (like, like like) I get very quiet, and can't say anything smart! No matter how hard I try and how good I usually am at talking, I just get really 'special' around them. If you know what I mean :'(

12). I've lived with dogs my whole life! And I'm in love with them (more so fond of big dogs, little ones are scary xD) but I have a Saint Bernard, Nalla. And a Newfoundland dog, Titan. They are surely huge teddy bears and I love them so much. (They think they are lap dogs though...)

13) (thank goodness, last one!) I'm not all too afraid of embarrassing myself (I am, but at the same time I'm not) I just do it so often now that I'm so used to it.. And sometimes when I feel challenged I go to limits of embarrassment, whatever I feel will over power the other person I guess.

Speaking of which, I hope you enjoyed! That wasn't to bad colbyarys, hehe, not getting a reaction outta me! I'll embarrass myself first :'D ...wait, that may possibly be what you intended from me, Oopies... Just I hope you liked it! xD
I'm honestly sorry for your guys brains though, this may be the weirdest 13 facts thing you've ever seen...

Now, for the tags!!! (Sorry guys)
















There we go, it's been completed!

Sincerely -Emie (TheGreat) <3

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