My Turn *Evil Smirk~*

30 1 9

(I actually have no sweet clue if I was suppose to name it that, but whatev's)

Now to carry on with this wonderful trip, I know, *sigh* (the more you know though, eh?) ;) and this is some pretty fabulous stuff. Bahahaha, yeah okay.
It's actually funny how I have no books up.. But I keep getting tagged, would be thrilling actually, if it wasn't just colbyarys. -_- jk! Luv ya buddy xD

Now~ to the rules to this questionnaire;
(Honestly, don't mess with the holding and stuff- it makes no sense at all)
1) You MUST create another book, or post this in an already created book. IT CANNOT GO INTO THE COMMENTS (hehe, thanks)

2) If at any point you do not feel comfortable answering a question, then no worries! Just don't answer it! I'm not your doctor nor lawyer... {I'd say mother too, but we all know there's some things we keep from those amazing women ;)} but I do not need to I so everything ;P hehe, not important enough. Jk. Everyone's important 0.0 <

3) You MUST tag 6+ people after you've finished yours (sorry guys, not my rules :'D) and make them do it, if they put up any restraint.... Well you know what to do ;) we've been through it.

4) You HAVE to tag the person who tagged you, so they can see your hilarious 3:D (that's actually an adorable looking devil..)

5) 'Tis is suppose to be a splendid adventure! So relax and have fun! Life a little- do something outrageous!


Here we go 0_0


Question 1) If you had to marry one of YOUR characters, who would it be and why?

Answer 1) Well, I don't have any books published, or far into on the go, but me and my friend was making this vampire comedy, teen fiction type book. And oh my, I'd marry Little Rowan, the younger brother, he was hot! And cute, especially when he was drunk... Crashed a few cars, thinks stars are.. Fat. You know the usual.

Question 2) Your Protagonist and Antagonist are going to lunch together, where would they go and why?

Answer 2) Well there were a couple protagonist and antagonist in this book but, I'd have to go with Ash (the older brother) and the vampire hunter, they'd go on a lovely lunch for tea, together, in public... Where they couldn't kill each other..

Question 3) You're going to a party with one of your characters, who would it be and why?

Answer 3) Ash, Duh!!!! He let his younger brother underage drink, get drunk, and drive his car! That sounds like a blast to me! :'D

*Switching Gears here ladies and Gentlemen*

Question 4) what are you afraid of? (Wow, weren't kidding that like flipped completely!)

Answer 4) I'm afraid of a couple things, some deeper then others, but I'm slightly afraid of being outdoors in the dark, I tend to get very paranoid- but at the same time I love it and find it the most relaxing thing in the world! So that's weird...

Question 5) What is one of the most embarrassing things to happen to you?

Answer 5) Like I said in the last chapter about kissing my first boyfriends chin.. Passionately... That's something I won't forget. I even laughed really hard afterwards in hopes it wouldn't be awkward, but that got a "be quiet Emily!!" Out of it and made it more awkward... So yeah xD but golly, when am I not embarrassing myself!?

Question 6) Tell us something most people wouldn't know/Guess about you?

Answer 6) Well, I come off as very shy, quiet, innocent. But I'm honestly extremely dirty, and inappropriate xD and I love it! Only people I feel closest too get to really see that side of me. It's certainly an interesting one.
I'm naturally a huge flirt (I do it by accident all the time :( but people don't really see how dirty I am until I'm comfortable.

Question 7) What is your most used word, or phrase?

Answer 7)  Fabulous/ Fabulicious, no doubt. Or Holy Moly, that's catching up xD

Question 8) Who is your celebrity crush?

Answer 8) This one is weird... I don't really crush on celebrities. I tend to get crushed on anime characters more often.... Yoshiki Kishisuma from Corpses Party, I swear if he was a really human being... I'd cry.
There's guys from movies who are cute, but I don't fan over the celebrity themselves. I like character. :'D

Question 9) Who is your wattpad Best Friends (Hehe, my biffles)

Answer 9) Honestly I don't know, I had a couple good ones for a while, but was have kind of stopped talking so much, which is a shame. Bunzaj, I hope we can start talking again soon!

Question 10) Tell us a secret! ;3

Answer 10) I'm going to avoid this one... I did have something up but my sister saw 0-0 that was weird...

AND WITH THAT! YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY COMPLETED THIS! I'm so sorry. Just like last time, writing this pretty late at night, actually its early morning now. Soo, yeah... Enjoy? If that's even possible.

Tags... Sorry guys!



ash_juri99  (hehe, I know you love being tagged!)



13MM13  3:)

Sorry for the tags xD
&Good luck my friends! Have fun xD and again sorry for your brains.

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