The flight was quiet but weird all at the same time.... the attendants had a plastered on smile on their faces everyone around me seemed as if they were statues, i didn't even hear a baby cry nobody talked. It took us 2 days to get to Hazard,Kentucky. Bur we got there. Our papal was waiting on us and he seemed really happy to see us.
Papal always loves visitors well ever since mammal died he was always so scared to be alone. Mammal died some time back from lung cancer. She was pudgy with blonde hair and green eyes and she loved us more than she loved god.Anyways, after papal hugged us we got in his old 1960's ford and drove to his old log cabin his house was up on a hill (or mountain as some people call them) it didn't have much of a back yard because it was cut abruptly by a cliff.
About 10 foot down was the holler (or a valley). The holler was a place filled with childhood memories with cricks(river) and caves and an old shack that had a radio the radio may had only 2 or 3 channels but we used it anyways as a source of entertainment as kids.
We got settled in the cabin and sat down and watched the old RCA t.v. a little bit after i dosed off and took a nap thinking about what Sam was doing and what mom was having for supper...
The Radio
HorrorAustin is having to spend the summer at his grandpa's house for the summer with his sister Rebecca. But when they find a radio they know something isn't what it seems