Ivory White EAH oc

35 9 4

daughter of the white queen

IMMA try to do what they have on the back of the doll boxes

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IMMA try to do what they have on the back of the doll boxes

If I remeber

Parents story:
Alice's adventures in wonderland
What is your secret hearts desire:
I already have what any girl would want, but I truly strive to be a good queen.
What is your magic touch:
As a future queen, I am royally good at advice!
What makes you shout "Oh Curses!":
I'm so used to Wonderland rules it's hard for me to get used to a new environment!

Storybook romance status;
I'm not much into dating but Alistair Wonderland is royally cute.

Favorite class:
Princess Design. Who wouldn't want to design a cute dress!

Least favorite class:
Crownculous! All those numbers give me a headache!

Best friends forever after:
All my Wonderland friends of course!


I was about to put Chase but he doesn't go to EAH egh

I put someone bc no one in the show has crushes anymore like GAWSH
They are all like

Some boys r cute but I need to study and focus on my destiny


She still has a lot more work ahead but I'm quite pleased

She looks too much like Darling but u can't rlly do much about that
I forgot to add a crown so I made a junky one last minute 😂

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