A Mutual Feeling

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Has there ever been such a thing like true love? Has anyone ever experienced that feeling?

If you said yes...

You are wrong.

Yeah, I said it. You don't just meet someone and say, "We are going to get married, and have babies together."

No, you get to know a person, and end up getting mutual feelings for each other. A mutual understanding.

When one person's mutual understandings for someone goes away, the connection breaks, and one is to deal with a broken heart feeling sad inside.

How would I know this? I mean I am just a girl who has never experienced a broken heart.



I have experienced a broken heart with a break up in anyway, but I was left broken hearted when my family dynamic was destroyed.

My mother died of breast cancer when I was 11 years old. It has been six years later, and I am still messed up in the head. I do still have occasional breakdowns. Ones that I am not proud of.

Most days, I put on a brave face for the rest of my family. My dad, and my younger sister. Lia, being my youngest sister, is eight years old. She was only two when everything happened, so she isn't as sad, or depressed as I.

My dad, will always be the coolest person I know. Heck he got me into the Harry Potter series. He is extremely supportive, and I love him for that, but I know he is hurting inside as well. He smiles, but he will never be able to hide the tears forming.
Enough of this depressing stuff. Time to get onto the real story.
As you see, I am extremely messed up, but trust me it will get worse.
You know why? I met a boy, and I had a crush on him
Why is this such a bad thing? Why do I run from love like the plague?
Because it is dangerous! Men are all pigs to be honest.

(This is not meant to insult any boys. This is just Bella's thinking, and she's a pretty dark person.)
Our journey begins a year ago, when I missed the Hogwarts.....
I'm joking! I am so sorry....
Okay, it really did start a year ago. I met a boy at a camp. I believe the camp's name was Camp Superior. We did a ton of ridiculous stuff at that camp, but it was during one game of capture the flag where we hit it off.
I was captured by the enemy side. I thought I was going to die alone in that hula hoop, when he saved me.
My very own Superman.
Well, in my book he was the chosen one, but whatever. After that we were saving each other every time we could.
After the game I went up to him to thank him. Of course he did save me from rotting away in a plastic jail.
When I went up to him I was taken away by his appearance. His smile spoke words to me.

Yeah, he was a bit sweaty, but it was a good look on him.
Just looking at him, made my stomach do somersaults.

"Hey, stranger," The guy looked at me. I looked up and noticed he had beautiful brown eyes. It reminded me of chocolate.

"Um... Hi," I mummered quietly. I silently punched myself in the gut. Really? All you say is hi?!

Bella, stop staring at him. You are going to scare him.

"Do you have a name, beautiful, or are you just some John Doe?"

I completely snapped out of it.

"Bella...trix Lestrange."

"Like from Harry Potter?"

"The one and only, but you can call me Bella Strange. I need to keep my identity a secret," I whispered.

"I totally understand," He chucked a sweet sound.

"I'm Damion," He smiled again.

One of his friends called over to him, and he had a slight frown.

"It seems I need to go, but I assume I will see you later."

He turned around, but before he made it very far; he turned around again.

"May I give you my cellphone number?"

I nodded and he wrote it down. He smiled, and walked away. That then left me frowning.


Because, I had a crush on a boy.

The rest of the camp week went on, and we saw more of each other. I even met his best friend named Leo, who really was an ass in my opinion.

My stupid mutual feelings for Damion kept growing, and I sadly had butterflies in my stomach every time I talked to him.

I really didn't want to get too close, but I knew that plan was already thrown out the window.
The last day of camp we said our goodbyes and did an awkward hug. Even though the other campers disapproved. As they said it, we were "purpleing."

You may be confused on what that even means, so I'll explain. Men were their own color of blue, while females were red. When we the too genders mixed they were "purpleing."

Yep, so even a simple thing like a hug was dangerous.

After camp ended, we texted each other everyday. It was actually kind of nice.
I mean when I woke up I had a good morning text, and when I went to bed I got a goodnight text. It was really cute and mushy.

After about a month of doing this we both confessed our mutual feelings for each other, and we started to online date. Damion lived in a whole different state, so online dating was the only way.

The closest thing we did to kissing was the emoji kissy face. Yep, I know what you are thinking. Adorkable.

Every once and awhile he would send chocolates to myself, which was amazing by the way.

I will never understand how someone doesn't like chocolate.

But all good things come to an end...

I broke it off with him because I knew online dating was stupid waste of time.

I mean we would never be able to do anything with each other.

We still stayed very good friends. Still texted frequently. My feelings for him never really changed, but I dealt with it.

I still liked him, but it was okay because he wasn't dating anyone.

That's when things got tricky.

Hello beautiful people.

If you read any of my books you know I give up pretty easily, but I'm working really hard on updating.

This story is something that comes from my heart. This story is based off of real people's personalities. I will never explain whose though....

Bare with me on this story. I'm really excited for this book because I've actually figured out the plot line of this story before writing!


I also have a few chapters prepared also.

And they are decently written, and kind of lengthy!

I know right....


Anyway, I don't know if anyone actually reads this, but please enjoy Not the Romantic Type.


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